Home again
Takuto: "I'll cook a little until Ryouta comes back."
'I place the lid on the pan and look at my watch. Ryouta and I are supposed to eat supper after he gets back from his job. I dimly regard myself several weeks ago while seeing the pan that began to blow white steam.'
Takuto: "Was it a dream?"
'Ryouta and I returned to this apartment that night when it snowed. '
'The wound on my back had already disappeared and the bite on my throat that had been clearly carved was now gone too.'
'Only one. Ryouta's bandage on his hand had not disappeared and was evidence of that dream event in the pavilion.'
*door bell*
Takuto: "Ah..."
*door opens*

Ryouta: "I'm back!"
Takuto:" Eh? Birthday? ...me?"
'The large bouquet of sunflowers was passed to me, and I was confused. '
Ryouta: "Indeed."
Takuto: "Ah..."
Ryouta: "Hey, here, cake!!"
Takuto: "Ah, thank you."
Ryouta: "Uwaaa. That smells amazing. What are you making?"
Takuto: "Ah, pot-au-feu, and it's almost complete."
'Ryouta moves his scarf, laughing. I follow him with the bouquet of sunflowers and the cake.'

Takuto's bedroom
Takuto: "However, why is it suddenly my birthday?"
Ryouta: "It was not possible to congratulate you on that day."
Takuto: "Ah..."
'I looked down after having instinctively spoken. After that, I was surprised because Ryouta had suddenly mentioned the pavilion.'
Takuto: "Has it been two weeks?"
Ryouta: "It has."
Takuto: "Ah!!"
'Suddenly, at the sound of the pan, I run up to the stove panicking.'
Takuto (painfully): "Asuu!"
Ryouta: "Hey? Are you okay, Takuto?"
'I had tried to move the pan in a hurry and my finger accidentally touched the glass lid. My finger reddens.'
Takuto: "Don't worry. I'll cool it down in the bathroom and I'll arrange the flowers."
'I hold the bouquet of the sunflowers, grab the largest vase on the shelf and head for the bathroom.'
(black screen)
*water running*
'I stare at the mirror in front of my eyes as cool water runs over my burnt finger.'
Takuto: "...Dream..."
'It is myself in the mirror's reflected just like before. There is no wound on my throat not matter how I look at it but the emotional scars have not healed yet.'
Takuto: "Ah...flowers..."
'I pour the water into the vase, fussing with the wrapping.'
Takuto: "Ryouta doesn't purchase flowers often. Are they alright?"
*faucet turning off*
'I returned to the room where Ryouta was and I arranged the flowers in the vase. Ryouta was just reading a book with his back turned to me.'
Takuto: "Ryouta, thank you very much."

Takuto startles Ryouta
Ryouta: "Nahh!!??"
'Ryouta turns around at my voice with an expression of terrific surprise.'
Takuto: "...Ryouta?"
Ryouta: "It--it's nothing!"
'While Ryouta shouted, the book he was holding was hidden behind his back.'
Takuto: "What are you hiding?"
Ryouta: "It's not that. I'll feel ashamed...so..."
Takuto: "Why are you panicking?"
Ryouta: "No...that...that..."
'Ryouta blushes slightly and looks down. I utter a sigh.'
Takuto: "The pot-au-feu is finished. I'll get it."
Ryouta: "Ah, Takuto!!"
Takuto: "Eh?"
Ryouta: "Ah...well..."
'Ryouta looks down, then back up again as if having made a decision.'
Ryouta: "Um Takuto! I--I thought we could talk for a moment."
Takuto: "Talk? About What?"
Ryouta stumbles on his words.
Takuto: "...Ryouta?"

Ryouta smiles
'Ryouta called me sofa and sat down. '
Ryouta: "Would you listen for a moment?"
Takuto: "Alright."
'Uncertainty cannot be removed, and I sit next to Ryouta.'
Ryouta: "Ah....well..."
'Ryouta looks down, and then ceases talking. He looks at me then back down again while breathing deeply.'
Ryouta: "This---!"

Exam books
Takuto: "Ryouta...?"
'I was confused because the book was suddenly thrust out in front of my face. There were study guides for the policeman's examinations.'
Ryouta: "Even if you're not surprised..."
'Ryouta mutters in a voice that might vanish at any moment and looks down. He looked up at the brand-new book.'
Ryouta: "After that...I thought for a long time."
Takuto: "Eh?"
Ryouta: "Therefore...if you think that it was a dream, perhaps it was a dream. But I stopped being able to live like we did with the evidence that it wasn't a dream."
Takuto: "You stopped being able to live? What do you mean?"
Ryouta: "Though Takuto might find this unpleasant. Somewhere in my mind I'm glad those kinds of things happened."
Takuto: "Eh!?"
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
'I am at a loss for words at Ryouta's confession. Ryouta's real intention was not able to be understood. Then, Ryouta laughs quietly and shuffles through the book.'
Ryouta: "Takuto, listen to me until the end. Big brother said I was a child for a long time but I didn't understand. I thought he was only ridiculing me. I didn't understand who I was at all."
Ryouta: "But, when it was said there by him, and I was not able to reply. I am powerless and not good at anything really because I'm a child."
Takuto: "Ryouta...that's..."
Ryouta: "A fact? I cannot defend Takuto at all."
'I had never heard Ryouta belittle himself.'
Ryouta: "Even today I cannot grip what is just and what is evil. At the pavilion I thought promptly: something was good, something was bad...something was normal or strange. I can't find the answer. Therefore, I want to become stronger and grow up more. I want to become a man relied on by Takuto."
Ryouta: "I respected my big brothers. There are surely bad people and good people too, and perhaps it is different according to each person. I want to establish it. I don't want Takuto to be sad any longer."
Ryouta: "I want to be able to protect so that Takuto doesn't need to hurt anyone any longer."
Takuto: "Ryouta...---"
'I was at a loss for words, too. It was a considerable impact for me. Ryouta beings to walk while the pavilion is recalled.'
Ryouta: "Though, the band will also be crushed."
'Ryouta turns his gaze to his bandaged hand. (Ryouta's injury will heal soon). Ryouta overworks his finger for a long time until it aches. ---The doctor scolded him and said to give up on playing the guitar.'
Ryouta: "I will explain to Taukasa and Yousuke so they'll understand. "
'His finger is quiet patted. In his expression, there was no bitterness or sadness. However, there was strength.'
Ryouta: "Because of that...I want to hear it again. My I stay here and be at Takuto's side?"
Takuto: "Ah...-"
Ryouta: "...Takuto?"
'Ryouta's glance pierces me. I realized that I seemed to be crying and covered my eyes with my hand.'

Takuto's bedroom
Takuto: "Wait...Ryouta."
Ryouta: "Eh?"
'I recovered myself. Ryouta becomes silent and is looking at me. I breathed deeply many times. I understood that time still continued. Nothing had ended yet. I didn't think that the nightmare would disappear if I did not find an answer to his question.'
Takuto: "[I might want you to hear it. I believed what I had felt in you.]"
Ryouta: "May I hear it?"
Takuto: "...ah."
'I saw the sunflower on the table. Vivid flowers at midsummer. Flower that blooms with confidence.'
Takuto: "I have still a lot of things I've concealed from Ryouta."
Ryouta: "!?"
Takuto: "I lied."
Ryouta: "Takuto?"
Takuto: "In the pavilion...the conversation about my father-in-law."
Ryouta: "Hn."
Takuto: "There is still more after that. That was not the only person who tried to embrace me. After I came to Japan, it was similar."
Ryouta: "!?"
Takuto: "It was a classmate who was nice to me when I had changed schools. Next was the science teacher. I was called in and told to remove my clothes. There were many. The seniors in the bar were the cruelest next to my father-in-law. Three people held me down in the locker room when I went to change clothes."
Takuto: "When the manager didn't notice the commotion, the wonder why I didn't die from biting my tongue."
Ryouta: "Takuto..."
Takuto: "I don't understand the reason for it either. I had never invited people and was going to live a plain manner."
Takuto: "'Good person' was performed for a long time. And when I began to give up, I met you."
Ryouta: "Ah...eh...me?"
'Laughter spills instinctively from Ryouta.'
Ryouta: "S-...sorry..."
Takuto: "But, I noticed while we were together. [You... did not know how to live.]"
Ryouta: "!?"
Ryouta: "Huh, me!? Me!?"
'More laughter. No ridicule and no contempt. His laughter was in a dear manner.'
Takuto: You were a first year when I was looking down from the window of the music room at the schoolyard.
Ryouta: "Ah, so I was..."
Takuto explains that he could hear them all shouting.
Ryouta: "Eh!?"
'I shook my head at Ryouta, whose eyes were widened.'
Takuto: "It different. You were not disliked. "
Ryouta: "Ah..."
Takuto: "At that time, I had finally understood. I yearned for you."
Ryouta: "Takuto...---!?"
Takuto: "...I should not have been able to hope...The one that I wanted...was you."
Ryouta: "Takuto..."
Takuto: "You became the only one I yearned for on that day."
Takuto: "The ideal friend. The ideal best friend. I thought so for a long time. I pretended not to notice because I knew your feelings. I thought that you would become like 'them' and I was frightened."
Ryouta: "Eh?"
Takuto: "Even if you don't rely on me, you are alright."
*sad music*
'I didn't want to part. I wanted you to be on my side now. However, now that Ryouta knows everything, will he neglect me? ---I thought so.'
Ryouta (yelling): "It's different --!! "
Takuto: "!?"

Ryouta holds Takuto
'I was not able to breathe when I was unexpectedly held firmly.'
Ryouta: "Wrong...wrong..."
Takuto: "Ryouta...?"
Ryouta (near tears): "I held out because Takuto was there. I'm useless when Takuto isn't here. I thought of becoming stronger because Takuto is here. I'm unhappy when we're not together. I even said so when we were there. I'm not good at anything when Takuto isn't here."
Takuto: "Ryou--...ta"
Ryouta: "Takuto is a necessity to me---!!" *whimper*
Takuto: "..."
'I hurt like my heart was being grabbed at.'
Takuto: "Even after such a story was heard, do not you think of anything? I... don't you dislike me?"
Ryouta: "You're still saying such things. Didn't I also say so at the pavilion? I won't hate Takuto no matter what."
Takuto: "...!"
'Still, I thought that it continued. The dream was still here.'
Ryouta: "Takuto, don't make light of me."
Takuto: "..."
Ryouta: "I began to think of what kind of person you were in reality. I came to want Takuto when I noticed."
'Ryouta embraces me closely. The smell of damp tears was pleasant to be today.'
Ryouta: "Takuto was foolish. Please be together for a long time."
'His lips touched and parted momentarily. '
Ryouta: "I'll become stronger. Promise. I'll defend Takuto and grow up more."
Takuto: "Ryouta...---"
'Certainly, the dream continues. However, it is not a nightmare any longer. I began to feel the pleasure slowly.'
Ryouta: "Remove your responsibility..."
'Already, tears seemed to be ready to overflow at any moment.'
Ryouta: "Let's be together for a long time? Together at my side? Takuto..."

'Moreover, our lips touched. This time they did not part.'
Ryouta: *kissing noises*
Takuto: *kissing noises*
'Uncertain, rough kisses. The warm lips of Ryouta are pleasant.'
Ryouta: *quiet gasping*
Takuto: *kissing noises*
Ryouta: "Ta--...kuto..."
Takuto: "...Eh...?"
'Ryouta unexpectedly separated his lips before long.'
Ryouta: "Is this...good?"
Takuto: "This...?"
Ryouta: "This..."
Ryouta: "Takuto...please...become."
Takuto: "You are not making me say the same things over again."
'My arms twined around Ryouta's neck as I answered.'
Takuto: *gasping / kissing*
Ryouta: *gasping / kissing*
Takuto: "Ryou--...ta...*gasping / kissing*"
Ryouta: *gasping / kissing*
Takuto: *gasping / kissing*
'It was mysterious. I felt nervous though it would not be the first time I was held.'
Ryouta: *gasping / kissing*
Takuto: *gasping / kissing* "Ryou--...ta."
Ryouta: *gasping / kissing* "Takuto..."
'Rough, straight kisses. I thought that I had obtained what I had been wanting for a long time while receiving Ryouta's kiss. I wanted to be loved. I was lonely. I wanted someone to think I was drear of a long time. And, I wanted to love someone similarly to their love for me---'
Takuto: *gasping / kissing* "Ryou--...ta"
Ryouta: *gasping / kissing* "Takuto..."
Takuto: Ryou...ta *gasping / kissing* "Ryou--..."
Ryouta: *gasping / kissing* "Takuto...Takuto..."
(black screen)
'Our lips parted and Ryouta pulls down the fastener on my trousers.'
Takuto: "Ah, Ryouta..?"

'Ryouta mischievously laughs, stripping off my pants quickly.'
Takuto: "Aa...ahhh!?"
'I was not able to stop my voice when my penis was held in Ryouta's mouth.'
Ryouta: *sucking*
Takuto: *gasping* "Ryouta..."
Ryouta: *sucking*
Takuto: *gasping* "Ryouta...kuu."
Ryouta: *sucking*
Takuto: *gasping*
Ryouta: *sucking*
Takuto: *gasping* "Don't..."
'Ryouta holds it in his mouth deeper than before. It is made to fill his mouth, and he moves his lips recklessly.'
Ryouta: *sucking*
Takuto: "Ah...Ryouta!!"
Ryouta: *sucking*
Takuto: *gasping*
'My penis was completely hard and already reacting to Ryouta's caresses. My waist trembled with pleasure when Ryouta made a sound.'
Ryouta: *sucking / moaning*
Takuto: "Ryo--ah... Aaah..."
Ryouta: "This...this is Takuto's taste."
Takuto: "Baka! Don't say that."
Ryouta: "But I am foolish."
Takuto: *gasping*
Ryouta: "Takuto...is it pleasant?"
'Ryouta licks quietly and rises to the tip while asking so.'
Takuto: *gasping*
Ryouta: "Takuto must honestly teach me his pleasant points. I'll remember it all."
Takuto: "Ryou--..."
Ryouta: "Please tell me whether Takuto feels it."
'Ryouta licks various places on my penis.'
Ryouta: "...here...?"
Takuto: "Nn...ah..."
'His tongue moved roughly as it was pressed against the part that was able to be constricted. A painful pleasure crawled up my back, and my waist floated greatly.'
Ryouta: "Is it pleasant?"
Takuto: "Ah...it--it is pleasant."
Ryouta: "This side...?"
Takuto: *gasping* "It's pleasant...there..."
'I shouted instinctively, not being able to fight against the pleasure.'
Ryouta: "Then...here?"
Takuto: *gasping* "Ryou--..."
Ryouta: "Which?"
Takuto: *gasping*
Ryouta: "It is useless...you may tell me."
Takuto: *gasping* "Stronger."
Ryouta: "Understood...and remembered."
'With a small nod, Ryouta tries to fill his with my penis again.'
Ryouta: *sucking*
Takuto: *gasping*
Ryouta: *sucking* "Taku--...."
Takuto: *gasping / whining* "Don't...there..."
'I cannot stop my voice any longer. My thighs open, and begin to tremble.'
Ryouta: "Takuto...hnnmm...."
Takuto: *gasping* "Ryo--...uta, more...don't..."
Ryouta: "It's useless...I won't stop."
Takuto: *gasping* "Ryou---! Do---"
'The pleasure flows from my penis to the rest of my body. It is clearly understood that my limit approaches.'
Ryouta: *sucking*
'Ryouta makes noises again and it is sucked up strongly. Pleasure like a current runs through me, and heat gathers in my penis.'
Takuto: "Ah...sto--.....ahhhh!"
Ryouta: *sucking*
Takuto: "Ah, aahhh--! Ah..Aaaaaahh---!!"
(white flash)
Ryouta: "Mmmnn mnnn!"
'My sight when white and I shot semen in Ryouta's mouth to my heart's content.'
Takuto *panting* "Ryou--...ta..."
'I trembled as my legs went into convulsions. Ryouta laughingly swallows my semen. '
Takuto: *panting*
(black screen)
'Ryouta still lowers the fastener of my jeans, gripping my knee. My breathing is still not controlled.'

Ryouta pushes in
Ryouta: "Takuto..."
Takuto: *gasping*
'A hot mass is slowly pushed in. A heavy impact crawled up my abdomen, and I instinctively shut my eyes tightly.'
Takuto: "Ryou---" *gasping*
Ryouta: *gasping* "Takuto....Takuto..."
'Ryouta's penis enters, and without it being wet enough, beings to move roughly. The pain felt good to me today for some reason. However, it was above all pleasure for Ryouta to have loved me.'
Takuto: *gasping*
Ryouta: *gasping*
Takuto: *gasping*
'In addition, Ryouta screws in while holding my waist.'
Ryouta: *gasping* "Takuto...inside...it's hot...ahhh..."
Takuto: *gasping*
'Ryouta bends over my body, and my face is drawn in.'
Ryouta: Takuto...more...voice...put out...
Ryouta: Please...say...say...it's a pleasant...feeling...no matter how many times...
Takuto: *gasping*
Ryouta: "Takuto...Takuto...!"
Takuto: "Aa, Aaah!!"
'My waist was nailed rough. The liquid that Ryouta blotted on the inside begins to overflow, and the area where we're connected begins to makes sounds.'
Takuto: *gasping* "Ryouta...Ryouta....!" *gasping* "It's good..." *gasping*
Ryouta: "Ta--...kuto..."
Takuto: "More....stronger...*gasping*"
Takuto: *gasping* "More..."
'The pleasure began to rise gradually. Vibrations are transmitted to my whole body every time Ryouta pushes it up, and a stifling wave crawls up my throat.'
Ryouta: *gasping*
Takuto: *gasping* "It's pleasant...Ryouta..." *gasping* "There...More...!"
'I was shouting. I began to think that it such pleasant to be tied to someone. And, I understood that it was because Ryouta was embracing me.'
Ryouta: *grunting*
Takuto: *gasping* "Ryouta...Ryouta...more...more...!"
Ryouta: "Ta--...kuto..., I like you...I ... Takuto...love..."
Takuto: "...Ryou--...ta..."
Ryouta: "Do not leave anymore. Absolutely."
Takuto: I...Ryouta...I'm glad...it is...you."
Takuto: "When you're not...I..."
Ryouta: "Takuto....!"
Takuto: "I...love you..."
Ryouta: "My side...please...stay for a long time."
Ryouta: "You won't leave...You won't separate...absolutely!"
'Ryouta shouts and pushes up intensely. Ryouta penis is pushed in to it's limit and rubs strongly in me. My feeling in my thigh is lost. The strong pleasure...'
Takuto: *gasping* "Ryouta...Ryouta...ahh!"
Ryouta: "Love...Takuto...yaa...ah..."
Takuto: "Ryouta." *gasping*
'I was glad though I thought I seemed to cry. And I expressed my gratitude for Ryouta having not given up on me.'
Ryouta: "Ah...ah...Takuto...Takuto..."
Takuto: *gasping* "Already..."
Ryouta: "I also...it's not possible to endure it any longer."
'Ryouta shouts and his movements strengthen. I nodded desperately, the feelings in my lower limbs seemed to melt.'
Takuto: "Ryouta..." *gasping*
Ryouta: "Takuto...I like..." *gasping* "Takuto..."
Takuto: "Don't...leave..." *gasping* "Ryouta...Ryouta..." *gasping*
Ryouta: "Aaa---!!"
Takuto: "Ryouta...AAAaaaa---!!!"
(white flash)
'My whole body shivered greatly at that moment. Something hot overflows in me.'
Takuto: *panting*
Ryouta: "Takuto..." *panting*
Takuto: "Ryouta..." *panting*
'Ryouta falls on me, exhausted. I quietly comb Ryouta's hair with fingers that still tremble. Then, I laughed gladly and Ryouta looked up, a little ashamedly.'

Takuto's bedroom
Ryouta: "Umm, Takuto. There is a song that I want you to listen to when my hand heals."
Takuto: "...Eh?"
Ryouta: "I want you to listen to 'Over the Rainbow' though my finger might not move well yet. I decided, while I overtook Takuto."
Takuto: "!?"
Ryouta: "I only have a little confidence. Therefore, it's possible to play it in front of Takuto now. No, I want you to listen."
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
'Moreover, tears seem to overflow. However, all of me will be accepted as well as the truth.'
Ryouta: "I desperately practiced while watching that ring. It did not become a keepsake and I was really good. Your face was recalled because that's what was always imagined when I was not able to meet Takuto."
Takuto: "That is not necessary any longer."
Ryouta: "Eh? What isn't?"
Takuto: "The real thing is here, isn't it? For a long time we'll be together."
Ryouta (overwhelmed): "Takuto---!!!"

Takuto and Ryouta's apartment
'I'm tightly embraced. I feel the warmth and comb his hair. I will quietly go buy champagne tomorrow. When Ryouta comes back, he'll surely be pleased and bubble over like a child. I will pile pleasures on Ryouta in the future. And let's go out to stroll sometime on a day when it's raining. The rain will surely stop when we get to the hill where we can see the sea, and a big rainbow will surely form in the sky. I will see the spectacle with Ryouta.'
'The bridge of the rainbow following a new dream---.'