Candles video - Night to Day

Takuto makes scratch twenty two.
Takuto: "Un..."
'My eyes finally opened after blinking several times. The ceiling that I was used to seeing. I did not think that I was dead yet.'
Takuto: *groan*
'When I glanced over, Ryouta's face was seen sideways. Ryouta was asleep in the bed. A dark shadow falls on the corner of his eye. It was clear that Ryouta was wasting away.'
Takuto: "Ryouta...."
Takuto: "Ugh----!???"
Takuto: *coughing up blood*
'A heavy mass lumps in my throat unexpectedly. I thrashed in reaction. I coughed greatly and a large amount of blood overflowed from my mouth and fell.'
Ryouta: "Takuto!?"
Takuto: *coughing*
Ryouta: "Takuto!? Takuto...!?"
'Vast blood. The blood spills from my mouth'.
Takuto: *painful gasping*
'Unexpectedly, a sharp pain runs up my back. '
Takuto: *painful gasping*
Ryouta: "Ah...!? Ta-- Takuto!?"
Takuto: *painful gasping*
'A like the wound's being ripped open and being burnt. And, I understand that something hot overflows there and along my back.'
Takuto: *painful gasping*
Ryouta: "Takuto! Takuto...!! Blood...blood!!"
'Ryouta set his hand on my back in the mirror's reflection. Blood. It's a large amount of blood boiling up from the wound and dropping onto the sheet.'
Takuto: "Ryo--..." *coughing up blood*
Ryouta: "Aa...ah, Takuto!"

Angry Ryouta
Ryouta: "Wait for a moment! I'll look for someone."
Ryouta: "It's useless! No matter how many times you say to calm down. Wait for a moment."
Takuto: "Ryo--...uck..."
*door opening.*
'Ryouta runs from the door and goes out. I did not want to meet the residents of this pavilion by any means.'
*sheets rustling*
'Painfully, I drag myself out of bed. There wasn't enough power to stand up either and I begin to crawl.'
Takuto: *painful gasping*
'Blood still overflowed from my back. I was helpless and painful.'
Takuto: *painful gasping*
'I try to lift the gun out of the drawer. My fingers trembled like my nerves were cut. I desperately move my fingers, gripping the gun.'
Takuto: "Ryo--...uta. I'm sorry...."
'Strength still did not enter my knee, though I wanted to stand up. I leaned against the drawer and sit down.'
Takuto: "You...because of me...Ryouta..."
'When I die, Ryouta will be left here. Harm will reach Ryouta at that point. Rather than that, I begin to think it would be better to kill Ryouta with these hands.'
Ryouta: "Takuto. I brought it. "

Veronica enters
Veronica: "How do you do?"
Takuto: "Veronica..."
Veronica: "I was worried because your meal was not taken for a long time."
'Veronica's expression was the same as always. Her appearance was contrary to the words she said about being worried about me.'
Veronica: "It seems to be very painful."
Ryouta: "Hey!? The medicine!"
Veronica: "I'll ask the master to come."
Ryouta: "Eh? Wait a moment!! His permission isn't necessary!"
Veronica: "This pavilion is moved by master's mind. Nothing can be done by my will."
Takuto: "You...!!"
Veronica: "Please wait a little. "
Ryouta: "Uh!? HEY!!"
'Ryouta watched in disappointment as Veronica left. He kneels in front of me before long.'
Ryouta: "Takuto...are you alright...Of course you're not...."
Takuto: "Uh..."
Ryouta: "Takuto...Takuto..."
Takuto: "Don't worry."
Ryouta (near tears): "What are you saying!?"
'Words cannot be spoken any longer though I wanted to answer. I, however, laugh desperately to try to make Ryouta feel relieved, if only a little.'
Ryouta: "Damn it..."
'I am embraced closely while Ryouta seemed to cry. I can barely open my eyes though I want to be embraced by Ryouta. The pain in my back extends though my whole body.'
*door opens*
Ryouta: "Nh!?"
'Ryouta stares at the door, shouting. Haishima and Veronica stand there. '

Kou and Ryouta
Kou: "Humph."
'I was still convinced that it had changed because I had been held by Ryouta.'
Kou: "Regrettable Takuto. You did not think that even here was foolish."
Ryouta: "Hey! Since when was it Takuto that had done something!?"
Kou: "You are a foolish child as usual. Do you not notice that Takuto pants painfully because of you?"
Ryouta: "Nn!?"
Kou: "Do you grasp these kinds of things now?"
Takuto: "Kuu...ah..."
'Haishima kneels in front of me and grips my jaw strongly.'
Kou (scornfully): "Even the strength to pull the trigger doesn't remain any longer."
Takuto: "!?"
Kou: "After what you've done you can be surprised? After seeing your current state, such a thing should be understood at once. After defilement it is not possible to become our companion. It is the same until the 'Ceremony' is finished. Will you be able to sense it? When I am dying because you were held by this person?"
Takuto (bitter): "Ah..."
Kou: "The 'Master' cannot be accepted for the 'Ceremony'. Or it becomes a poison and gnaws at you and all the body fluids of the person tied to you."
Ryouta: "Nn!?"
Kou: "And the mind distorts at the same time as the spirit. While you're dying, if you're approached by pleasure you request pleasure to forget the pain."
Ryouta: "Ta--...kuto...? Lies...?"
Takuto: "Ryou--...ta..."
'The words leave me in blank surprise and a Haishima's low jeer reaches my ears.'

Kou has given up on Takuto
Kou (angry): "You're ungraceful. There is no more compassion either. Die as you are."
'Haishima releases his hand while despising me with cold eyes.'
Takuto: *gasping painfully*
Ryouta: "Takuto!!"
'I fall ungracefully on the carpet.'
Ryouta: "Are you alright, Takuto!?"
Takuto: "I'm...fi--...ne."
'Strength is lost. I was not able to finish my words. I fall and lay down.'
Ryouta: "Takuto!"
Takuto: "Ryou--...ta...sorry..."
Ryouta (near tears): "Takuto!? Why are you apologizing!?"
Takuto: "For troubling you for a long time until now."
Ryouta: "Takuto's an idiot."
Takuto: "I ..I'm.. ..evil..."
Ryouta: "Wrong! That's absolutely wrong!"
Takuto: "Ryouta...?"
Ryouta: "I ... I did not think you were troubling at all. Therefore, do not apologize. Didn't I say that we'll leave together!?"
'Ryouta shouts and the gun that rolled from my hand is picked up.'

Ryouta picks up the gun
Ryouta: "Hey!? Haven't you had enough!?"
'Ryouta shouts and aims the gun straight at Haishima, his finger on the trigger.'
Ryouta: "What the purpose did you afflict this on Takuto!"
Kou: "You don't learn from experience...challenging even though you know you'll be defeated."
Ryouta: "Liar!"
Kou: "What will you do? Kill me?"
Ryouta: "Kuu...that's right!"
Kou: "Shoot me."
Ryouta: "!?"
Kou: "Will you do it? Now, pull the trigger."
Ryouta: "You're trying to trick me!"
Kou: "I'm not amused."
Ryouta: I will shoot! Really!
Kou: "I told you to try."
Ryouta: "!"
Kou: "Takuto's value disappeared."
Ryouta: "Eh!!"
Kou: "The intention was polluted by in the nuisance who is called Ryouta. My interest has already disappeared. Takuto is an eyesore. Therefore, if I die I don't care."
Takuto: "Kuu----!"
'At Haishima's words, murderous anger boiled up in me. People were tossed around in order to damage me. Hate swells in me.'
Ryouta: "You---Ahhhhh!!??"

Kou hurts Ryouta
'Ryouta shouts as Haishima grips his hand that holds the gun and twists it to his heart's content. Ryouta rolls to the floor in pain and is trampled on strongly.'
Ryouta: "Ku, uuahhhh!!!"
Takuto: "Ryouta...!?"
Kou: "It was certainly the guitar?"
Ryouta: "Kuu...ku...ahhh...!!"
'Shoes are pressed down and he tramples down on Ryouta's wrist. Haishima's eyes narrow pleasantly.'
Kou: "Do you know? That because of this, a lot of nerves have gathered here and the pain is amplified."
Ryouta: "Unn...chyyahh!!!"
'I clearly saw it dig into Ryouta's skin. Help. I couldn't move even though I wanted to. Anger and impatience towards Haishima whirled in my mind.'
Kou: "It is possible to crush the bone."
Ryouta: *screams*
'An unpleasant sound reached my ear.'
Kou: "Already, it is impossible to play like this. You're likely to live here and not go out."
Ryouta: "Liar..."
'Ryouta starts crawling and reaches for the gun.'
Kou: "Oh? Are you still trying to grip it?"
Ryouta: *screams*
'Haishima stomps down on Ryouta's hand again where the bone was crushed. Ryouta's body thrashes.'
Kou: "That might be painful."
Ryouta: "Ugh...uhh."
'Still, Ryouta tries to grip the gun.'
Takuto: "Ryouta...enough..."
'I shouted. I did not want to see Ryouta suffering any longer. Then, Ryouta turned to me and laughed.'
*sad music*
Ryouta: "I'm alright."
Ryouta (near tears): "We...the first year we visited the shrine...every year...I pray for the same thing. That I can be together with Takuto for a long time, so it's possible to become a man whom Takuto relies on."
Takuto (shaken): "Ryou...ta...?"
Ryouta: "Takuto is strong like my big brother."
Ryouta: "However, my Takuto is truly important. Therefore, I absolutely want to get out of here together. "
Takuto: "...---!!"
'I was severely ashamed of myself at this moment. I thought that I did not want to see Ryouta suffering. I though that it would be easier if Ryouta was killed and I had given up on running away from this pavilion. My heart hurt like having been torn open by Ryouta's painful smile and voice.'
Ryouta: "Takuto...the apartment...let's return together...?"
Takuto: "Ryouta...!!"
'Certainly, Ryouta had strengthened before I noticed.'
Kou: "Does this trite conversation end with that?"
'Powerfully, Haishima stomped on Ryouta's leg again.'
Ryouta: "Ah...AHHhhhhhh!!"
Takuto: "Ryouta...Ryou--!!"
'I want to return...to that room. I don't want to lose...this light.'
Takuto: "Ah...Ryouta..."
'If you don't return...to the outside. If you don't run away...from this darkness ----.'

Takuto picks up the gun
Takuto (angry): "Ryouta---!!!"
(white flash)
Kou: "Ugh...!?"

Kou's stunned
'When I noticed, the gun was in my hands.'
Kou: "Ah....---"
'Haishima's body begins to collapse like black ash. I didn't hear anything, as if the sound all over the world had disappeared. Stunned, I was only able to think as he melted like sand into black as and disappeared into the air.'
Takuto (shocked): "Haishima-san...!?"

Kou smiles
'That moment, Haishima laughed. I must never have seen such a satisfactory, gentle smile.'
*fades out*
~The Door Which Was Opened~

The ruins
Ryouta: "Uh..."
Takuto: "Ah..."
Ryouta: "Eh! What...!!??"
Takuto (surprised): "Uh!"
'We were sitting on the ruins suddenly. A place that had already been ruined for years.'
Ryouta: "Ta--...takuto...? I...my head...?"
Takuto: "Ryouta."
Ryouta: "A little while go. Inside that house..."
Takuto: "Haishima-san...? Veronica...?"
'I looked about the surroundings. Neither Haishima, Veronica or Alice were there, nor the gate or the garden with bright red roses in full bloom. It was deteriorated concrete and rock.'
Chiharu: "Ryouta...Katsuragi..."
Ryouta: "Chiharu!?"
'Unexpectedly, a voice called from somewhere far. Makita-san was suddenly there. Her body seemed transparent and able to disappear at any second.'

Chiharu appears
Chiharu: "I was a disappointment."
'Makita-san smiles in sadness.'
Ryouta: "Chiharu..."
Takuto: "Makita-san..."
Chiharu: "As for Katsuragi, Ryouta really likes you."
Ryouta: "Uh?"
Chiharu: "Don't you think, compared to Katsuragi I'm not very suitable."
Takuto: "..."
Ryouta (determined): "Chiharu...I'm sorry."
'Ryouta bows towards Makita-san.'
Ryouta: "Though I don't think I'm permitted to even apologize...I'm sorry. Everything that Chiharu said was true and I don't deny it. Please believe only this. I was really happy during the times I was with Chiharu."
Chiharu: "Yes, it is so. "
Ryouta: "I was thinking that I'd forget Takuto, though it might have been that perfume."
Chiharu: "Yes, it is so. ... Because this time, I finally remembered it."
Ryouta: "Chiharu...?"
Chiharu: "Ryouta was a person who I could embrace by scheming. "
Ryouta: "...!?"
'Makita-san smiled again. The snow began to drop from the sky before I was aware. '
Takuto: "Makita-san? You're really...you're really dead?"
'Makita-san nods to me, who instinctively asked it.'
Chiharu: "It was foolish of me."
Ryouta: "Chiharu..."
Chiharu: "I don't have a grudge against Kou because he is not bad. I...because I was weak. I chose to run away on my own. Kou was nice and comforted me. If I had held out for a moment...then maybe..."
Ryouta: "..."
Chiharu: "Everything has been told now."
Ryouta: "Chiharu..."
Chiharu: "Bye."

The pavilion ruins
'And, the image of Makita-san disappeared and melted into the night air.'
Ryouta: "...Chiharu? Hey...Chiharu?"
'Ryouta reached towards the sky but there was no one there any longer. However, a white snow only quietly fell. '
Ryouta (screams): "Chiharu----!!!!"
Ryouta: *sobbing* "Chiharu..."
Takuto: "Makita-san...Ryouta..."
'I thought that it was not possible to meet Makita-san at the storefront anymore. I thought so while hearing Ryouta's cry.'
Ryouta: *sobbing*
*cell phone ringing*
Takuto: "!?"
'I held my breath at the unexpected sound.'
Ryouta: "Cell phone?"
Takuto: "...yes?"
Tsukasa: "Takuto! You finally answered! "
Takuto: "!?"
'A bright voice. A friend's voice that knew in this reality.'
Tsukasa: "What happened? I worried because I suddenly lost contact with you. "
Takuto: "Tsukasa!"
Tsukasa: "Where are you now? You surely didn't go traveling."
Takuto: "It's different."
Tsukasa: "That's fine. No matter how many times I called it never rang."
Takuto: "Sorry."
Tsukasa: "Takuto? How are you? Are you not feeling well?"
Takuto: "No...it's different. I'm still waking up from a dream."
Tsukasa: "Dream? It's unusual that Takuto's sleeping at such time."
Takuto: "That's true, however, I'm fine."
'So. A bad dream has ended. I returned to the world where I had lived up until now.'
They decide to meet up later.
Takuto: "I understand. Bye."
Tsukasa: "Bye."
Ryouta: "Tsukasa as lively as usual. I could here his voice from here."
Takuto: "Hn."
Ryouta: "Your phone is connected?"
Takuto: "Hn."
Ryouta: "We must have really woken up from that dream."
Takuto: "...ahh."
'Slowly, our arms extended and we embraced each other. When we noticed, we were wearing the clothes we had on when we entered the pavilion. ---To say that it really was a dream. Ryouta did not say anything. I didn't say anything either. Perhaps it was mutually understood. We were confirming it with each other. The existence of each other in our arms. That we returned together.'
Ryouta: "Let's return."
'Ryouta said so, when the show began to pile up on our shoulders.'
Takuto (happy): "---Ah."

Takuto and Ryouta hold hands
'Moreover, our hands grasped each other firmly, and began to walk.'
Takuto: "!?"
'Suddenly, mixed with the snow, a petal of a pure-white rose dropped to my shoulder.'
Ryouta: "Takuto? What happened?"
'Ryouta instinctively asks me when I stopped. I laughed, shaking my head slightly. And, I quietly released the rose so Ryouta wouldn't notice.'
Takuto: "----Goodbye."
'The wind blows and a white petal scattered in the snow.'