Candles video - Night to Day
Takuto makes scratch nineteen.

Takuto's bedroom - day
Takuto: "Uh...ku..."
'I was thirsty. The dryness in my throat was painful like I was in the desert for several days.'
Takuto: *quiet breathing*
'I seemed to have a fever.'
Takuto (pain): "I can't see... my throat."
'I reach the bed side. '
*glass shatters*
'My trembling fingers cannot grasp the glass well enough and it falls.'
Takuto (sad): "Ah..."
'There isn't a drop of water left in the pitcher either. I dimly recalled drinking some in the middle of the night because I was thirsty.'
Takuto: "I see..."
*sheets rustling*
'I roll off the bed and being to walk. The bathroom has water. I only have to drink water there.'
Takuto: "Uugh kuu."
'It hurts every time I take a step--my whole body convulses and my throat seemed to dry up.'
Takuto: *dry gasping*
'The distance to the bathroom seemed to be longer than usual today. I can't reach the door even though it seems to be so near, as if the door was a mirage.'
Takuto: "Ha...aan, at least..."
(black screen)
'I enter the bathroom and collapse, reaching for the shower knob.'

Shower water
Takuto: *gulping*
'Water pours down mightily. I poke my head into the cold shower even with clothes on. '
Takuto: *panting*
'I opened my mouth and leaned back. I didn't even have enough energy to scoop it up with my palms.'
Takuto: *coughing*
'The cool water hits my throat. I stuck m tongue out as far as I could to catch the water in my mouth.'
Takuto: *gasping*
'I wanted water more than breathing. For a while I drank and kept drinking. Still, the dryness in my throat was not settled at all.'
Takuto: "Uh..."
'How much water have I drunk? I drank until it became painful and sit down in the bathtub.'
Takuto: "Haugk!!??"
'Suddenly, a severe pain attacked my whole body. '
Takuto: "Ah...kuu..."
Takuto: "Uugh...kuu..."
'I painfully gripped the edge of the bathtub. It was the most intense pain I had ever experienced.'
Takuto: "Kuh...uuh kuu."
Takuto: "Ha...what on earth...?"
'What is happening to me? Dry throat, high temperature, and this strong pain. It fuels my uneasiness.'
Takuto: "...Ah...?"
Takuto: "Veronica...?"
'She surely came to deliver breakfast. There must be some kind of the juice though I did not want to eat.'
Takuto: "Some...thing..."
'My leg is trembling as I stand up. I seemed to lose my strength at once.'
Veronica (muffled): "Takuto-sama?"
Takuto: "Ah..."
'Veronica will return thinking I'm still sleeping if I don't answer soon.'

Takuto's bedroom - day
Takuto: "Wait...Veroni...ca."
'I reached for the door.'
Takuto: *gasping in pain*
'I tried to run desperately. My thighs and knees hurt as if my ankle broke every time I put weight on it.'
Takuto: "Wait--....Veronica..!"
'The sound of the cart left. I desperately reached for the door.'
*door opens*

Hallway - day
Takuto: "Ah..."
'Already, there was no sight of Veronica in the hallways on the other side of the door.'
Takuto: "Ugh..."
*door closes*

Takuto's bedroom - day
'There was no strength left and I collapsed as I was when the door closed. My throat began to dry up again. I began to tremble from the heat and my whole body was in pain. The energy I had when I walked from the bed to the bathroom did not remain.'
Takuto: (Ryouta...)
'After we separated yesterday, were you worried or angry? I could not move any longer though I wanted to meet with him.'
*knocking x2*
Ryouta (muffled): "Takuto? Are you up?"
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
'I was relieved for the voice that I heard from the other side of the door.'
Ryouta: "Takuto? "
Takuto: "Ryouta...!!"
'I force myself to squeeze out my last ounce of strength and stand up.'

Takuto opens the door
Ryouta: "Takuto...eh! Takuto!!??"
Takuto: "Ryo--..."
'Ryouta's voice is heard, however, I cannot stand any longer and fall down on my hands.'
Ryouta: "Takuto!? Hey, what's wrong!?"
'Ryouta shakes me, gripping my shoulder. However, the voice to answer was stuck in my throat. All my strength was lost and I collapsed on the floor.'
Ryouta: "Takuto!? Hang on!?"
'Ryouta's face approaches, and touches my cheek.'
*heartbeat / red*
Takuto: "Ah...?"
'My skin trembled with the temperature of my sigh.'
Ryouta: "Takuto? Hey!"
*heartbeat / red*
Takuto (calm): "Uh...ah?"
'A sense that I don't understand rises in me.'
Ryouta: "Hey! Get a hold of yourself, Takuto!"
Takuto: "Ryou...ah...ku..."
*heartbeat / red*
'My body begins to hurt and dizziness attacks me. I began to get obviously excited. It began to request pleasure. '

Ryouta panics over Takuto's condition
Ryouta (angry): "Takuto! Takuto!"
Takuto: "Ah...ya...ah..."
Ryouta: "Takuto, wait a minute!? I'll get some medicine from the house maid."
Takuto (hungry): "I'm alright, Ryouta."
***Hungry Takuto talks with an overly excited chuckle in his voice. I don't know how Ryouta doesn't notice, because it's really creepy >----< Also, when Takuto says Ryouta's name in this voice, it's in katakana instead of kanji. He talks like this for the rest of the day.
'I told Ryouta to stop. This embraced me yesterday. My prey.'
(black screen)
Ryouta: "Takuto...?"
Takuto: "I'm alright."
'I reached for Ryouta's leg, which was trying to go out the door.'
Takuto: "Don't go, Ryouta."
'My hand twines around Ryouta's leg, and my cheek is presses against it.'
Ryouta: "Ta-- Takuto?"
Takuto: "I'm fine. Ryouta must stay here."
Ryouta: "Hot..."
Takuto: "Don't worry."
Ryouta: "Takuto?"
Takuto: "What's coming... is delightful, Ryouta."
"I looked up at Ryouta. "
Takuto: "When it's only me, this room is lonely. "
'I press my face against his thigh again and quietly reach between Ryouta's legs.'
Ryouta: "Ta-- Takuto..."
Takuto: "I'm not lonesome any longer if Ryouta is here."
Ryouta: "Takuto..."
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
'I began to lower Ryouta's fastener with a smile.'
Ryouta (panic): "Ta-- Takuto!? What are you doing!?"
Takuto: "It's a normal thing."
Ryouta: "Uh, normal..?"
Takuto: "I want Ryouta to become pleasant because I like Ryouta."
Ryouta: "Taku--nuah!?"

Takuto pins Ryouta against the door
'I had filled my mouth with Ryouta's penis before he finished speaking.'
Takuto: "Hn...mmm..."
Ryouta: "Takuto...ahh!"
Takuto: *sucking*
'I gently lick it with the tip of my tongue. My tongue crawled to every corner so that there was no part that my tongue doesn't touch.'
Ryouta: "Ugh, Ta...Takuto!"
Takuto: *sucking*
'Quickly, it becomes hard in my mouth. Ryouta trembles every time my tongue moves.'
Takuto: *sucking* "Ryouta...ummm..."
Ryouta: *gasping*
Takuto: "You feel it, Ryouta. I'm glad."
'Ryouta's thigh shook. My mouth opens wider to hold even more.'
Takuto: *sucking*
Ryouta: "Hn...Takuto...Takuto...!"
Takuto: *sucking*
'Ryouta begins to tremble. I can see haste and pleasure in his face.'
Ryouta: *gasping* "There...!"
'Something overflowed from the tip when my tongue was pressed against it. I lick the liquid and it tastes similar of blood.'
Takuto: *louder sucking*
Ryouta: "Ta...kuto....Takuto..."
Takuto: "Is it pleasant...? Ryouta...?"
Ryouta: "Ah...un, it's pleasant."
Takuto: "Is that so...I'm glad."
'Liquid overflowed. I quietly wrapped my hand around Ryouta's penis and suck it up many times.'
Takuto: *sucking*
Ryouta: "Ah, ...it's useless...I...Takuto"
Takuto: "Ryouta...what is useless..?"
'Ryouta's hand gripped my hair. However, I knew Ryouta hope for more pleasure in reality.'
Takuto: "...You may let it out. "
Ryouta: *gasping*
'I poke the slit with the tip of my tongue while tracing the root with the tip of my finger.'
Takuto: "You may let it out...into my mouth."
Ryouta: *loud gasping*
Takuto: *sucking*
Ryouta: *gasping* "Takuto...ahh..."
Takuto: *louder sucking*
Ryouta: "Takuto...Aaa, I...I..."
'Ryouta leaned backwards. The penis in my mouth trembles little by little.'
Takuto: *louder sucking*
Ryouta: "Takuto...I...really already."
Takuto: "Therefore, Ryouta, you may let it out. I'll endure."
'When I held Ryouta in the interior of my throat, I began to move my mouth strongly.'
Ryouta: *gasping* "Takuto, Takuto...!"
Takuto: *louder sucking*
Ryouta: "AAahhh! Taku--...!"
Takuto: *greedy sucking*
Ryouta: "Na, AAAAhh----!"
'Ryouta's body shakes suddenly, and the liquid overflows into my mouth. I slowly drank it up.'
Ryouta: *panting*
Ryouta: "Ta--...kuto..." *panting*
'Ryouta sits down on the carpet exhausted. I crouch down in front of Ryouta and draw my face between his legs again.'
Takuto: "Ryouta...."
'I gripped Ryouta's dripping penis and I pressed my tongue against it.'
Ryouta: "Ahh!?"
Takuto: *sucking* "Ryouta..."
Ryouta: "...Takuto...!"
'I slowly moved my tongue, licking up the sticking semen. Ryouta's body still trembled as if going into convulsions every time I licked.'
Takuto: *sucking*
Ryouta: *quiet gasping*
Takuto: *sucking*
Ryouta: "Takuto...Takuto, unn...more..."
'I lean over Ryouta and begin to unbutton his shirt.'
Takuto: "...Ryouta...still...not enough?"
Ryouta: "Takuto...un!?"

Takuto unbuttons Ryouta's shirt
'Ryouta's body thrashes again when I press my lips against his chest.'
Ryouta: *gasping* "Takuto..."
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
Ryouta: *gasping* "Ta-- Takuto...uh..."
'When the nipple on his chest is strongly traced, Ryouta raises his voice. To irritate it more, I keep caressing there with my tongue.'
Ryouta: *gasping*
Takuto: "More, Ryouta, who becomes pleasant. Only two people... more....more"
Ryouta: Takuto..."
'Ryouta's body trembles when his chest is licked.'
Takuto: "Or, is Ryouta unpleasant. Is it unpleasant to do it in this way with me?"
Ryouta: "There is no such thing."
'Ryouta shakes his head slightly.'
Takuto: "There is no such thing?"
'I lightly put my teeth on Ryouta's nipple while asking.'
Ryouta: "Takuto...are you okay?"
Takuto: "...do not worry."
Ryouta: *heavy gasping* "Takuto..."
'I kept rubbing my tongue and licking there. It was interesting that Ryouta's body was so sensitive. '
Takuto: "This...is the true me, Ryouta."
Ryouta: *gasping* "Takuto..."
Takuto: "Therefore, I'm fine Ryouta... By two people...let's become pleasant."
'I remove my lips and smile. My trousers were slowly lowered, and I neared Ryouta's waist. I hold myself over Ryouta's penis which had regained hardness.'

Takuto lowers himself down on Ryouta
Ryouta: "Ugh...!?"
Takuto: *gasping*
'Slowly, I sink and pleasure like a current ran through my waist.'
Takuto: "Ryouta..." *gasping*
'And, I begin to move. Slowly, so that I may search for the pleasant place.'
Ryouta: "Ku...Takuto..."
Takuto: *gasping*
'Ryouta's penis pierces deeper every time I shake my waist.'
Ryouta: "Takuto..." *loud gasping*
Takuto (laughing): "Ahh...!! Ryouta, it feels good..."
Takuto (laughing): "It's good, more... more... Ryouta..."
Ryouta: "Takuto...ah...I also..."
Takuto (laughing): "Haa...Ryouta...more, move more."
'I laughed while looking down at Ryouta. For a moment, Ryouta's eyes narrowed as if perplexed and then his fingers move to my waist.'
Takuto: "More...more...enter...deeper inside."
Ryouta: "Takuto...!"
Takuto: *laughing / gasping*
Takuto: "Ryouta...Ryouta...ugh...ha...!"
'Ryouta moves my waist strongly.'
Ryouta: *gasping* "Takuto..."
Takuto: "It's good, Ryouta...more... ha..!"
Ryouta: "I...already...don't stop..."
Takuto: "AAaa...!"
'Ryouta strongly holds my waist, fingernails digging into my skin and I shook greatly.'
Ryouta: "Takuto..."
Takuto: *laughing / gasping* "Ryouta..."
Takuto: *gasping* "Ryou--...ta!"
Ryouta: *moaning* "Takuto..."
Takuto: *laughing / gasping*
'Covered with my saliva, Ryouta's penis slipped further, making the pleasure stronger. The doubtful sound that reaches my ear fuels my excitement.'
Takuto: "Ryouta..." *gasping*
Ryotua: *gasping* "Takuto...Takuto..."
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
'Ryouta shouts painfully. I was going to laugh as I stretched my fingers to Ryouta's cheek.'
Takuto: "It's good, Ryouta...I am already Ryouta's. "
Takuto: "Therefore, this body, is already my favorite."
Ryouta: "Ta--...kuto..."
Takuto: "Therefore, you may do as you want."
Ryouta: "Takuto...Takuto...!!!"
'Ryouta tries to sit up and gripped my waist. I hold my breath, and my waist was greatly moved.'
Takuto: "Ah...aaaaha... Ryouta---!! Ryouta...Ryouta...!"
'Ryouta pushes me up with reckless power. Heavy pleasure rushes to my throat, and I begin to shake my waist like requesting more.'
Takuto: *gasping / laughing*
Ryouta: "Ku...ah...Ahhh!"
Takuto: "Ryouta..." *gasping*
Takuto: *gasping* "Ryouta... !"
'My thigh beings to numb and the fingernails digging into my knee tremble. The moment of height approaches.'
Takuto: *gasping*
'I shake strongly my waist.'
Ryouta: *fast gasping* "Takuto...I..."
Takuto: *fast gasping* "Ryou--..."
Ryouta: "Aa, ahhh..."
Takuto: "AAAaa----!!"
Ryouta: "Un...aah---!!"
(white flash)
'With Ryouta's shout, semen overflows in me. I reach the top almost at the same time, and semen shoots out at Ryouta's chest.'
Takuto *panting* "Ryouta..."
Ryouta: "...Ta--...kuto..."
Takuto: "Ryouta...we are the same already."
'I lie on top of Ryouta, whose breath is rough. I trace his cheek with my finger.'
Ryouta: "Takuto..."
Takuto: "Ryouta...embraced each other by two people"
(black screen)
'I licked Ryouta's lips. The lips of a beloved prey.'