~Day 16 - Banquet of Conviction~

Candles video - Night to Day
Takuto makes scratch sixteen.

Takuto's bedroom - day
'The superficial breakfast was finished, and I shut myself up in my room. I crouch on the bed because I don't want to sleep either. It is said that a person curls up when they're in pain because one unconsciously remembers the inside of the mother's womb is the safest. It is said because one wants to unconscious return there. I want to disappear now. I did not think there's any place I want to go to any longer in this pavilion.'
It's been one week since Haishima bite him. He'll surely be a vampire soon.
Takuto: (...Ryouta...)
'In front of my eyes is that gun. A weapon said to be able to kill Haishima. A weapon to get out of this pavilion. However...'
Ryouta's Voice: "I like Takuto..."
'The words leaked from Ryouta's mouth disappointing.'
Ryouta's voice: "Were you already aware when we came here? Were you aware in reality...however, you gave the pretense that you didn't notice?"
'Ryouta saw my fake ignorance.'
'I noticed while being played with by Haishima. Perhaps, in reality, I liked pleasure in the bottom of my hearts. It was painful on Ryouta's side. I did not want to come to hate him. Therefore, I pretended not to notice for a long time.'
Takuto: (I...I...)

Candles video - Day to Night
(Dining room)
Takuto: "Ryouta..!!"
'I stepped into the dining room for supper and shouted instinctively. Ryouta's sitting at the table but doesn't say anything and looks down as soon as he sees me as if embarrassed. Still, I was glad that Ryouta had been let out.'
Kou: "To tell the truth, there is a person who says they want to meet you."
Takuto: "With Ryouta and me?"
'The smiling face of Makita-san crosses my mind.'
Kou: "Chiharu."

Chiharu fades in
Ryouta: "Chiharu!!??"
Ryouta stands up.
Takuto: (Eh!?)
'Makita-san was standing at the door before I was aware. When I entered the dining room, I certainly closed the door, but the door made no sound.'
Takuto: (Makita...san?)
'Fear instinctively crawled up my spine.'
Chiharu: "After a long time...Ryouta."
Ryouta: "...Why are you here?"
Chiharu: "It's none of your business where I am."
Ryouta: "!!"
Ryouta asks Kou what he did to her. Kou comes back with a cutting remark.
Ryouta: "Hn!?"
Chiharu: "Ryouta. I introduced you to Katsuragi."
Ryouta: "Chiharu..."
'Makita-san slowly approaches us. Moreover, that face. The smile doesn't seem fitting for Makita-san.'
Chiharu: "Katsuragi."
'Makita-san saw me. And she laughs while quietly tracing her ear. '
Kou: "Blaming Takuto is a little different, Chiharu. Takuto tried to get Ryouta out of here. But Ryouta refuses. "
Chiharu's jealous of Takuto.
'Suddenly, abhorrence was clearly shown on Makita-san's face. And the abhorrence was being turned straight to Ryouta.'
Ryouta: "Chiharu..."
Chiharu: "Poor Ryouta. Katsuragi was still deceived."
Ryouta: "Chiharu!?"
Chiharu: such cruelty is still brought to me and the mockery of 'Best friend' is continued. --despicable.
Ryouta: "Chiharu...!!"
'Makita-san's arm twines round Ryouta's neck. Slowly and lovingly. '
Chiharu: "Ryouta. You might not understand what my feelings were at that time."
Ryouta: "Enough!! "
Chiharu: "..."
Chiharu: "You still smooth it over. No concern for my feelings."
'Neither the voice nor the expression of Makita-san belonged to the woman who had laughed brightly in front of me. The face of a woman who loved someone. The relation between Makita-san and Ryouta perhaps is----.'
Takuto: "Haishima-san...enough of this already."
Kou: "Why? What right do we have to stop their conversation? Are you scared to know the truth?"
Takuto: "?"
Kou: "With this, the desire of your important 'Best friend' might be understood. When the mistake he made is confirmed by your eyes... "
Takuto: "Please, stop it already."
'I ran to Haishima and gripped the front of his shirt.'
Kou: "What's wrong? Takuto?"
Takuto (angry): "It's enough. Ryouta and I are cornered. There is no reason for this."
Kou: "It does have meaning. Your heart is gradually being warped in order to stay broken. It's very pleasant to watch."
Takuto: "!?"
Kou: "You need not be bored by the favor. You will be grateful."
Takuto (angry): "You...!!"
Takuto raises his hand to slap Haishima but his hand is griped rightly. He tries again with his other hand, but it's easily caught as well.
Kou: "You are noble as usual."
Takuto: "Shut up! Let go of my hands!!"
'I struggled to my heart's content. Haishima's hand doesn't loosen, however, it doesn't seem like he's using much power.'
Kou: "Before you could have run away, but now with your arms like this, my problem is solved."
Takuto: "Let go! ...LET GO!!"
Kou: "Among many other things, you must understand that you can't disagree with me."
'Like a child, I shoot my head and struggled. It was not possible to run away even if these kinds of things were done. Though I understood slightly, I was not able to stay quiet.'
Takuto yells at him, saying something about vampires and him and Ryouta being confined in the pavilion.
'Suddenly, Haishima's hand loosened and I staggered. '
*Kou chuckles*
Kou: "Indeed, you do understand."
'Haishima was looking down at me with cold eyes.'
Kou: "By all means, I want to say that only both of you have to become vampires, rather than saying you're trapped in this pavilion."
Takuto: "Did you not previously say that I can't leave this pavilion like my former self since my blood's already been taken. Ryouta's life will be taken if he stays here."
Kou: "Taking a life. It's regrettable to have been thought of in such a way. As for me, I only follow the procedure for the 'Ceremony'."
Takuto (yelling): "Such a thing is known! I have already been made into a vampire so why not Ryouta!"
'A masochistic shout leaked. I was completely overwhelmed by Haishima, and was frightened. Ryouta's eyes grew wide in disbelief that the words said. Eyes so wide that they couldn't be opened further."
Ryouta: "Vampire...."
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
'I regretted that I had shouted it carelessly.'
Kou: "Indeed Takuto, though it is regrettable. I cannot take in Ryouta's blood."
Takuto: "Eh?"
Kou: "Not just me. Ryouta would be refused as a companion by all the other clans that hide in the darkness all over the world. Moreover, Ryouta would probably refuse it."
Takuto asks what he means.
Kou: "Your friend has already been defiled."
Takuto: "!?"
Kou: "...Ryouta. Your important 'Best friend' is surprised...Takuto did not know. "
Ryouta: "!"
Kou: Takuto, you have deceived for a long time up to now by your important 'Best friend'.
Ryouta: "!!??"
Kou: "Ryouta might understand best...the meaning of my words."

Ryouta looks away
'Ryouta's face seemed to cry for a moment when he saw me. His eyes seem to apologize then he turns his face away.'
Chiharu: "If Ryouta doesn't want to talk, shall I speak to Katsuragi?"
Ryouta (angry): "Stop, Chiharu!!"
Kou: "How pitiful, Takuto."
'Haishima's finger reaches for my cheek. A cold finger moves slowly from my jaw to the wound on my throat.'
Takuto: "Wh--what did you say?"
Kou: "You don't know you've been deceived for a long time."
Takuto turns to Ryouta and asks him what's going on.
Ryouta (pouting): "Takuto..."
'It was not the expression I was expecting. Ryouta was looking at me painfully.'
Kou: "[Clearly Ryouta's saying, 'Takuto's only one ally'. I was defeated by desire.]"
Ryouta (yelling): "SILENCE---!!!"
Takuto: "...Ryouta?"
Ryouta: "Takuto is horrible!!"
Takuto: "Ryouta!?"
Ryouta: "Takuto is horrible! Because you pretend not to notice my feelings for such a long time."
Kou tells Chiharu that she can curse Ryouta now.
Ryouta: "Chiharu...!? Please, I ask that you stop!"
Chiharu: "No. Both of you will taste the same despair as me."
Takuto: "...Makita-san..."
Chiharu: "Even Katsuragi doesn't see me by such eyes. I want nothing but revenge."
Takuto: "Revenge? On Ryouta?"
'Ryouta does not say anything any longer--his eyes averted and hanging his head as if exhausted.'
Chiharu: "Is that perfume you were still there, Katsuragi?"
Takuto: "Eh? A-aah. It's still the same."
'I was unexpectedly asked, and habitually answered. I had bought perfume for a long time. It was a usual custom to me, who had grown up in a foreign country, to wear perfume daily.'
Chiharu: "That wonderful scent, I also bought it. However, it did not wear it at the shop so much. Ayako would probably ridicule me for wearing the same scent as Katsuragi."
'Makita-san laughed shyly. I felt a little relief from that expression.'
Chiharu: "It was about autumn? I went to 'CROW' with a friend."
Chiharu: "Yes, Katsuragi worked at a quiet bar."
Chiharu reveals that one day Ryouta called her Takuto.
Ryouta: "Chiharu. Don't say any more."
Chiharu: "He should have died, such a man."
'I was still refusing to understand the truth. '
Ryouta: "Chiharu...."
'Ryouta collapses on the floor as if from exhaustion.'
Chiharu explains that Ryouta favored Takuto. Ryouta wouldn't understand her feelings though. She thanks Ryouta for teaching her how to want to die.
Ryouta: *sobs*
Chiharu: "I'm lonely, Ryouta."
'Makita-san holds Ryouta's neck quietly.'
Ryouta: 'Chiha..ru?'
Chiharu: "Here is dark, cold, and lonely."
'The lips speaking in a whisper are brought closer to Ryouta like a kiss.'
Chiharu: "Therefore, I want us to be together, so I won't be lonely any longer. "
Ryouta: *choking noises*
'Unexpectedly, Makita-san tightly squeezed Ryouta's throat.'

Kou gets angry at Makita-san
Furious, Kou tells her Ryouta must not be killed yet.
*white flash*
Chiharu screams, then fades away.
Ryouta: "Chiharu!?"
Takuto: "Makita-san!?"
'Makita-san disappears with a crack of thunder, as if she was never there from the beginning.'
Takuto frantically looks around the room for her. His eyes finally settle on Kou.
'Then, Haishima laughs thinly as he meets my glance. '
Kou: "It's regrettable, but she's already not human."
Ryouta: "Eh!!??"
Kou: "She hoped for a 'companion' because her reality was thrown away and she left her body."
'Haishima laughs.'
Takuto: "It's a lie! Makita-san isn't dead!...a lie... "
Kou: "You may not believe it if you don't want to believe it. However, she cannot return to the world on the outside any longer."
Takuto: *sobbing* "Makita-san..."
Kou: "...Takuto. Did Chiharu's words neatly reach your ear? I'll explain it again if you like."
Takuto: "St...op..."
'Anger. Surprise. Sadness. Mortifying.'
Takuto: *angry sobbing*
'I lose my strength and I seem to fall. Then, Haishima's hand reaches for me quickly and I'm held. I didn't have the power to resist any longer.'
Kou: "...Takuto. You might think of me as a cruel man."
'I heard the voice in my ear while being won to over my Haishima's arm. I did not have the power to answer either.'
Kou: "However, what about your 'Best Friend's' inhumanity?"
Takuto: "Ryou...ta..."
Kou: "He embraced her instead of embracing you. You were not able to be embraced because you had refused the reality of his feelings. This is his 'Truth'. This is the true form of your 'Best Friend'."
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
Kou: "Now are not you showing it off to him? Once more you've already...fallen into my hands.""

Kou bites Takuto again
Takuto (painfully): "Haaah kuu"
Ryouta: "Takuto!?"
'Something digs into my throat, and the numb pleasure boils up there. I had forgotten the voice to kill and clung to Haishima by reflex action.'
Takuto: *panting* "Sto---"
'Sharp fangs enter it further and a strong pain extends like it does there when being violated.'
Takuto: *gasping*
'My legs begin to tremble and I cannot stand. Haishima laughs around the lips on m neck. Haishima's puts more power in his arm and I grip it tighter.'
Ryouta: "Ah...what...?"
Takuto: *gasping*
'The poison that comes from the piercing fang goes along and pushes me down in pleasure that is not disagreeable. My lower limbs already want to be violated and it began to request stronger stimulation.'
Takuto: *gasping*
'A cold tongue goes along the wound--a sense like my whole body's being constantly caressed.'
Takuto: "AAAH!!"
'In addition, the fang is strongly buried. I shouted with excitement like during a moment when I had ejaculated.'
Takuto: *panting*
Ryouta (disbelief): "Ta...kuto?"
Kou: "What will you do? Is what I'm looking at right disbelief?"
Ryouta (softly): "Nan..ah..."
Kou: "Takuto had not spoken to you about it yet."
Takuto (quietly): "Aah..."
Kou: "I am a person that is called a vampire."
Ryouta: "!? ...a lie....it's a lie...."
Kou: "Devils, vampires, and revenants are not people but they certainly exist in this world."
Takuto: *panting and gasping*
'Haishima strongly sucked up my wound. '
Takuto: "Aah!"
'As for the stimulus being too strong, my voice increased unintentionally. My body bent backwards. '
Kou: "We have lived in the darkness, using human blood as sustenance. We escape from the dazzling light of the noon sun and at midnight when people are asleep, we wander around for blood."

Kou in the dinning room
Kou: "However, I will teach it to you only once. There are two kinds of bloods that we do not like. One is blood of the person who has already lost their life. It is something which is most detested. If the blood of a corpse enters our bodies, it immediately becomes poison. We request the blood of a man who is alive. And as for the other... we detest the blood of a person who has already mixed with others."
Ryouta: "!?"
Kou: "The 'Ceremony' cannot be accepted with a defiled body. Chiharu..."
Ryouta: "!?"
Kou: "She was not a virgin. The rejection occurs when our blood enters the defiled body. The person will suffer, the mind and body will break and eventually die. If they're lucky, they will not become a demon. That's why we request blood with high purity."
Kou: "The blood of one who has not been held. Only the person with such blood can be invited as our 'Companion'.
Takuto: "Surely...Makita-san"
'Has she become a vampire?'
Kou: "Wrong. I'm sure I said it a little while ago. I do not like defiled blood. However, she was in the pool of despair and death was hoped for. However, she did not have courage to cut off her life herself. I realized her wish. Having deprived her of all blood before her mind and body broke, I embracing her."
Takuto: "Eh!?"
Kou: "It is not harmful to our body, unlike corpse blood. It is only said that the other party will surely die. I realized her wish. Chiharu wanted to obtain Ryouta to the last minute."
'As he said so, Haishima looked at Ryouta pleasantly.'
Kou: "Her hope was taken by you."
Ryouta: "Chiharu!!??"
'Alice who had been burning clothes of Makita-san crossed my mind. And Makita-san who wears burnt clothes.'
Takuto: "Makita-san...Makita-san...really is dead."
Kou: "Died."
Ryouta (sad): "Chiharu..."
Ryouta refuses to believe it.
Kou: "You shout, however Chiharu is not part of this world."
Ryouta: "...Chiharu..."
'Ryouta sits down on the floor and collapse. In his eyes, the usual ambition was not there any longer.'
Kou: "Foolish one."
Takuto: "Makita-san...surely...is..."
Kou: "You understand, Takuto."
Takuto: *sobbing*
Kou: "If there is a dazzling light, a dark shadow is sure to be there."
'However, Haishima looks at Ryouta and I with scorn and leaves.'
(Kou leaves)
'We were not able to talk about anything for a while after Haishima was gone.'
'However, it might have been my unconscious wish. The part of me that wished for Ryouta not to desire me, I had not thought that Ryouta would turn the desire to someone else.'
Ryouta: "Chiharu..."

Ryouta cries
Ryouta: *sobbing* "Sorry?cChiharu."
Takuto: "...Ryouta..."
Ryouta: "I...I...Chiharu...Chiharu, Chiharu, Chiha...ru... "
'Ryouta's sobs echo in the dining room. It was the first time I'd seen Ryouta cry in this way.'
Ryouta: "Ta...kuto...I'm sorry. All...I...didn't intend...I...these kinds of things...to happen."
'I who had ignored Ryouta's feelings and Ryouta who had called my name in front of Makita-san. I was not able to blame him, because Ryouta, who kept shedding tears without wiping them, was too miserable. '
Takuto: "Ryouta...you talk unreasonably."
Ryouta: "You're wrong!!"
'Ryouta shook his head greatly. '
Ryouta: *heavy sobbing*
'An intense cry is settled before long little by little.'
Ryouta: "Ta...kuto..."
Takuto: "Ryouta...?"
Ryouta: "Please...let me say it."
'Ryouta's tears fell on the floor where a puddle of several tears had already formed.'
Ryouta: "...I...Did not intend to deceive Chiharu."
'As he said so, Ryouta shook his head. He seemed to convince me this time. '
Ryouta: "I...liked Takuto for a painfully long time. I yearned....delighted to be together. But...gradually...it became strange."
Takuto: "..."
Ryouta: "But...Takuto...and I are men. Takuto is more beautiful than a woman, but when these kinds of remarks were said, it put Takuto into a bad mood. Therefore...I...I..."
'The words became interrupted. Ryouta laughs once like self-torment. '
Ryouta: "Really....it was a coincidence. I went there with some people from school school. It smelled good. Dancing with Chiharu...the scent was the same as Takuto."
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
Ryouta: "We went some friends to Hokkaido, and even skiing. After that, we went to the movies together and dinner. I am not the inhuman person that was said earlier. I was happy...I enjoyed it. Takuto was forgotten when I was with Chiharu. I really thought so...BUT... it was useless. That scent strengthens when Chiharu is embraced."
Takuto: "!?"
'At that time, I recalled Ryouta grasping the shirt that I took off and moving his hand desperately.'
Ryouta: "That scent that Takuto is always applying."
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
Ryouta: "I recall Takuto every time that smell is there. What face would Takuto make when being held? Or when Takuto also clings to me in this way? However, Takuto, surely wouldn't permit such a thing."
Takuto: "That's enough already, Ryouta!"

Takuto comforts Ryouta
'Ryouta was embraced closely. I moved quicker than I thought.'
Ryouta: "Ta...kuto...?"
Takuto: "It is I that apologize."
Ryouta: "Eh?"
'I, who pretends not to notice though Ryouta's feelings were known, and single-mindedly forced us to stay 'Best friends'. '
Takuto: "I'm sorry...Ryouta."
'I did not want to lose Ryouta. The 'Best friend' who wanted it very much but doesn't violate me because of desire.'
Ryouta: "Takuto...isn't horrible. Because I am a child, I'm horrible."
Takuto: "Ryouta...?"
Ryouta: "Here...I noticed. ...I was made to notice. It just as my big brother says. I want to taken care of at all times and I'm not good at anything. Though it is mortifying ... It's as he says. As for Chiharu...I...cannot protect anyone..."
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
(black screen)
'I embraced Ryouta closely. Words would not be understood any longer by Ryouta today. It might be painful to me. I, however, was not able to part from Ryouta. The relation between us already...Broken.'
'I kept embracing Ryouta closely while thinking about such a thing. '
*White dream tunnel*

Sakura tree in Takuto's dreams
'Cherry blossoms. Cherry blossoms fluttered.'
Ryouta: "Katsuragi-senpai!"
Takuto: "Ah, Sasamori."
'Ah, this is a day of my graduation ceremony. A blue blazer I strangely missed though only several years had passed. It was amusing.'
Ryouta: "Did not you give it to anybody?"
Ryouta: "Senpai, can I ask a question?"
Takuto: "What is it?"
Ryouta: "Please give Senpai's ring to me."
Takuto: "Eh!? "
Takuto declines but Ryouta keeps pleading.
Takuto: "Why do you want these kinds of things?"
Ryouta: "To make it a keepsake."
Takuto: "I didn't die."
Ryouta: "Please give it to me. I want it! I want it!!"
Takuto sighs.
Takuto: "Understood."
Ryouta: "Katsuragi senpai!!??"
Takuto: "Here."
'I drop the ring in Ryouta's palm. I who had been watching was near tears. Nostalgia and a faint pain. The rings that ties Ryouta to me.'
Takuto: "You have to promise to practice (your guitar) firmly."
Ryouta (excited): "YATAAAAAAA!!"