Candles video - Night to Day

Scratch 15
(black screen)
*clock ticking*
'To run away from reality. I thought that it only had to fulfill Ryouta's wish. I wanted Ryouta to become happy--.'
***In reference to his dream about the shrine.
*silverware clanking*

Takuto's bedroom - day
The night ends, and the morning comes. I hear of the sound of a knock, and Veronica cleans up my meal. I cannot accept fresh light any longer, and the time is closer to lunch than it is breakfast.'
Takuto: "...Veronica?"
'I had asked for the displayed meal. Croissants piled up in bacon and eggs, potato, broccoli and lobster's salads, and ripe oranges. All were my favorites before.'
Veronica: "Yes?"
Takuto: "Is Ryouta still there?"
Veronica: "He is."
Takuto: "Will he eat?"
Veronica: "Yes, we will deliver the same one as we did to his room."
'I was inadvertently detaining Veronica who tried to leave. I wanted to know more about Ryouta's situation.'
Veronica: "What is it?"
'Should I say it? If something is said...if I do something, will Ryouta be harmed again like when I stopped Haishima that one time?'
Takuto: "Is it off-limits there?"
It's not. After Veronica leaves, Takuto tries to eat the meal but he eventually loves to go see Ryouta.

Wine cellar
Ryouta: "Ah..."
'Inside the cage, Ryouta noticed me going down the stairs and looked up. I didn't know what to say to Ryouta though I came here. I stood a little distance away, silent. It was a mystery. I wasn't dislike in me, though I was scared that Ryouta admitted his desire. Regret and apologizing filled me today.'
Takuto: "...the meal."
Ryouta: "Eh?"
Takuto: "You're not eating properly. "
'The meal remained in front of the cage. Probably the one Veronica carried down this morning. It still seemed new. I wanted to speak with Ryouta by some means.'

Ryouta's angry with Takuto
Ryouta (darkly): "Why did you come? Did you come to complain to me?"
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
Ryouta: "Leave and don't return. Right now, I don't want to see Takuto's face."

Wine cellar
'As he says so, Ryouta turns his face away.'
CHOICE #31 - Click on choice one for Ryouta's Good Ending #1: The Silent Cage.
1. Leave silently → THE SILENT CAGE (Good Ending 1)
2. Apologize to Ryouta.
Takuto: "Sorry."
'Words of apology came out quicker than I expected.'
Ryouta: "Nn!"
'Ryouta's startled and looks down.'
Ryouta: "...sorry."
'Ryouta said so without looking up before long.'
Takuto: "Ryouta...?"
Ryouta: "Why do you apologize? I'm still miserable regardless."
Takuto: "..."
Ryouta: "For so long..."
Ryouta: "...I liked Takuto."
Takuto: "!"
'I regretted having come here at the moment. I did not have to meet Ryouta after all at such time. The downcast expression that was unusual for Ryouta told the weight of his mind.'
Ryouta: "Were you already aware when we came here? Were you aware in reality...however, you gave the pretense that you didn't notice?"
'Do I only have to answer yes? Do I only have to answer no? Ryouta will not be allowed to suffer any further. To help Ryouta, even if I accept Ryouta's mind here, I should become Haishima's. Then, until Ryouta has a grudge against me instead of hating me.'
Ryouta: "No...it's different."
Takuto: "Eh?"
'Ryouta began to talk again while I was hesitating to answer.'
Ryouta: "Do you not like me?"
Takuto: "What...do you mean?"

Ryouta admits his desire for Takuto
Ryouta: "I want to monopolize Takuto."
Takuto: "!!"
Ryouta: "I wanted you to be at my side for a long time. You're nice to everyone, and it's impossible to touch you. I want you to only be mine."
Takuto: "Ryouta...."
'I did not want to hear it. Ryouta's hope is realized and while I am not.'
Ryouta: "Already you're attached to that fellow. However, Takuto, the other day, I thought to kill him. Was I wrong?"
Takuto: "...Eh?"
Ryouta: "Certainly, I cannot kill him. Takuto....I...if it was Takuto..."
'Ryouta did not say anything for a moment.'
Ryouta: "...Takuto is mine. "
Takuto: "!"
Ryouta: "It hurt to be together for such a long time. Therefore, eyes who ignore me..."
*Loud crash*
'Ryouta's straight eyes pierce me.'
Takuto: "...eh...!"
*Takuto's running footsteps*
(Black screen)
'I was not able to answer. I climbed the stone steps, running away from the wine cellar.'

Candles video - Day to Night

Night sky
No one shows up for supper. Takuto goes out for a walk in the garden and sees Alice.

Alice on the garden path
Alice: "What happened? Your face looks like you could kill at any moment. Bad mood?"
Takuto says not to worry, he won't hurt her.
Takuto: "Collecting the flower's honey?"
Alice: "No, not honey. Dew from the rose that bathes in moonlight. "
Takuto: "Materials for sake?"
'Alice collects the dew with a practiced hand.'
Takuto: "...that sake..."
Alice: "What?"
Takuto: "It is certainly poisoned."
Alice: "Has the meaning been understood then?"
Takuto: "Hn."
'I quietly reach for the rose. It's a bright red rose blossoming in the garden though he said he would like white roses. What is Haishima thinking? Will Ryouta and I be afflicted in this way?'
Takuto: "Earlier, you said you weren't a vampire."
Alice: "Yes."
Takuto: "But, you're not human."
Alice: "Yes."
Takuto: "Then, what are you?"
'Unexpectedly, a color like contempt appeared in Alice's pale pupil momentarily.'
Alice: "Why do you want to know such things? You cannot get the answer from Kou so you come to me?"
Takuto: "I could. However, I am interested also in you. It's not just you. Veronica, and Makita-san. Why are you here? Is there a purpose?"
'Alice narrowed her eyes again. Eyes that weren't of contempt but subdued sadness.'
Alice: "I won't answer."
Takuto: "Alice!"
Alice: "This pavilion is dreamland. Time is different from the flow of reality."
Takuto: "Dreamland...?"
Alice: "There is no food for Kou."
Takuto: "What did you say?"
'Alice's eyes were narrowed again. A painful sigh is faintly heard, and the white fingers holding the bottle begin to slightly tremble.'

Alice asks Takuto not to kill Kou.
Alice: "I'm asking. Don't kill Kou."
Takuto: "!?"
'Tears overflow from Alice's eyes. It slowly goes along her smooth, white cheek.'
Alice: "You have the weapon that kills Kou. You have eyes that say you'll absolutely shoot."
1. It's not possible to leave if he's not killed.
2. Takuto becomes silent and the answer is refused.
'I began to think that at least she was a not mean to me now, like he was when we first met. Ryouta is an important person to me, Haishima might surely be an important person to her. However, she should help Haishima, and I also help Ryouta.'
Takuto (determined): "But, Ryouta and I cannot leave as long as Haishima is alive."
Alice: "I know. However, eyes that will kill... Kou's existence will really disappear if he's shot with that. Live in a dreamland with us, Takuto."
'Tears kept spilling for a long time. It was painful to look at her with such tears and I wasn't have to say anything reassuring.'
Alice: "You have a heart of darkness. The world on the outside would be too painful for you."
Takuto (angry and determined): "It is painful enough for me here. I seem to be going crazy from the uselessness."
Alice: "!"
'Alice's shoulders trembled as frightened. Guilt swells up in me.'
Takuto apologizes for being so harsh.
Takuto: "However, I don't understand your word or feelings."
'Dreamland. The romantic sound doesn't suit this dark pavilion. Why does Alice try to appeal to me?'
Takuto: "I...it is necessary."
Takuto (slightly teary): "If I kill him with that gun...is everything solved? Can Ryouta and I leave here?"
Alice: "It is possible to leave. You and that friend can go out if Kou is killed."
Takuto: "However, you depend on Kou. Why tell me...?"
Alice: "..."
Takuto: "I do not understand...at all...I..."
Alice: "You were better without pride."
'Alice says it coldly as she blots her tears.'
Takuto: "!?"
'Moreover, Alice runs away without wiping her tears that began to overflow. I uttered a sigh small and began to walk in the garden. '

Night sky
Takuto: ("Dreamland")
'A too quiet garden at night makes my mind too lonely. Alice might try to protect Haishima. He is such an extremely cruel man, so why? Haishima's words on New Year's Eve come to mind. Was that all a lie?'
Takuto: (I am...foolish)
'I still try to believe (in Haishima's kindness) somewhere even after such treatment. I do not want to admit to myself I've been deceived.'

Makita-san appears.
Takuto: "Makita-san."
'Unexpectedly, Makita-san appears in front of my eyes. However, the appearance of Makita-san was not longer than a second.'
Takuto: "Makita-san!? Makita-san...!?"
'Then, did I see a phantom?'
(black screen)
'I look for Makita-san for a while afterwards and wander the garden. Makita-san was not found anywhere.'