Cont. Day 15 - Monopolistic Desire

Wine cellar
1. Leave silently
2. Apologize to Ryouta.
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
'I thought I was still insensitive. Though however much I want to meet Ryouta, it was impossible to talk after encountering such eyes!'
'I turned my face, and began to mount the stairs. '
Ryouta: "...Takuto!"
Takuto: "!?"
'After going up several steps, I was called to stop. I looked back at Ryouta.'
Ryouta: "...I'm sorry."
'Ryouta said without looking up before long.'
Takuto: "Ryouta...?"
Ryouta: "Why did you not apologize? As for me, I'm miserable."
Takuto: "..."
Ryouta: "For so long..."
Ryouta: "...I liked Takuto."
Takuto: "!"
'I regretted having come here at the moment. I did not have to meet Ryouta after all at such time. The downcast expression that was unusual for Ryouta told the weight of his mind.'
Ryouta: "Were you already aware when we came here? Were you aware in reality...however, you gave the pretense that you didn't notice?"
'Do I only have to answer yes? Do I only have to answer no? Ryouta will not be allowed to suffer any further. To help Ryouta, even if I accept Ryouta's mind here, I should become Haishima's. Then, until Ryouta has a grudge against me instead of hating me.'
Ryouta: "No...I'm wrong."
Takuto: "Eh?"
'Ryouta began to talk again while I was hesitating to answer.'
Ryouta: "Do you not like me?"
Takuto: " you mean?"

Ryouta admits his desire for Takuto
Ryouta: "I want to monopolize Takuto."
Takuto: "!?"
Ryouta: "I wanted you to be at my side for a long time. You're nice to everyone, and it's impossible to touch you. I want you to only be mine."
Takuto: "Ryouta...."
'I did not want to hear it. Ryouta's hope is realized while I am not.'
Ryouta: "Already you're attached to that fellow. However, Takuto, the other day, I thought to kill him. I was wrong"
Takuto: "...Eh?"
Ryouta: "Certainly, I cannot kill him. Takuto....I...if I was Takuto..."
'Ryouta did not say anything for a moment.'
Ryouta: "...Takuto is mine."
Takuto: "!"
Ryouta: "It hurt to be together for such a long time. Therefore, eyes who ignore me..."
*Loud crash*
'Ryouta's straight eyes pierce me.'
Takuto: "!"
*Takuto's running footsteps*
(Black screen)
'I was not able to answer. I climbed the stone steps, running away from the wine cellar.'

Candles video - Day to Night

Night sky
No one shows up for supper. Takuto goes out for a walk in the garden and sees Alice.

Alice on the garden path
Alice: "What happened? Your face looks like you could kill at any moment. Bad mood?"
Takuto says not to worry, he won't hurt her.
Takuto: "Collecting the flower's honey?"
Alice: "No, not honey. Dew from the rose that bathes in moonlight. "
Takuto: "Materials for sake?"
'Alice collects the dew with a practiced hand.'
Takuto: "...that sake..."
Alice: "What?"
Takuto: "It is certainly poisoned."
Alice: "Has the meaning been understood then?"
Takuto: "Hn."
'I quietly reach for the rose. It's a bright red rose blossoming in the garden though he said he would like white roses. What is Haishima thinking? Will Ryouta and I be afflicted in this way?'
Takuto: "Earlier, you said you weren't a vampire."
Alice: "Yes."
Takuto: "But, you're not human."
Alice: "Yes."
Takuto: "Then, what are you?"
'Unexpectedly, a color like contempt appeared in Alice's pale pupil momentarily.'
Alice: "Why do you want to know such things? You cannot get the answer from Kou so you come to me?"
Takuto: "I could. However, I am interested also in you. It's not just you. Veronica, and Makita-san. Why are you here? Is there a purpose?"
'Alice narrowed her eyes again. Eyes that weren't of contempt but subdued sadness.'
Alice: "I won't answer."
Takuto: "Alice!"
Alice: "This pavilion is dreamland. Time is different from the flow of reality."
Takuto: "Dreamland...?"
Alice: "There is no food for Kou."
Takuto: "What did you say?"
'Alice's eyes were narrowed again. A painful sigh is faintly heard, and the white fingers holding the bottle begin to slightly tremble.'

Alice asks Takuto not to kill Kou.
Alice: "I'm asking. Don't kill Kou."
Takuto: "!?"
'Tears overflow from Alice's eyes. It slowly goes along her smooth, white cheek.'
Alice: "You have the weapon that kills Kou. You have eyes that say you'll absolutely shoot."
1. It's not possible to leave if he's not killed.
2. Takuto becomes silent and the answer is refused.
Takuto: "..."
'I stand for a moment and stare at Alice.'
'I began to think that at least she was a not mean to me now, like he was when we first met. Ryouta is an important person to me, Haishima might surely be an important person to her. However, she should help Haishima, and I also help Ryouta.'
Alice: "It's not necessary to hide it. I know...that man gave the gun to Takuto."
Takuto: "Alice..."
Alice: "I know. However, eyes that will kill... Kou's existence will really disappear if he's shot with that. Live in a dreamland with us, Takuto."
'Tears kept spilling for a long time. It was painful to look at her with such tears and I wasn't have to say anything reassuring.'
Alice: "You have a heart of darkness. The world on the outside would be too painful for you."
Takuto (angry and determined): "It is painful enough for me here. I seem to be going crazy from the uselessness."
Alice: "!"
'Alice's shoulders trembled as if frightened. Guilt swells up in me.'
Takuto apologizes for being so harsh.
Takuto: "However, I don't understand your word or feelings."
'Dreamland. The romantic sound doesn't suit this dark pavilion. Why does Alice try to appeal to me?'
Takuto: "What should I do?"
Takuto (slightly teary): "If I kill him with that everything solved? Can Ryouta and I leave here?"
Alice: "It is possible to leave. You and that friend can go out if Kou is killed."
Takuto: "However, you depend on Kou. Why tell me...?"
Alice: "..."
Takuto: "I do not all...I..."
Alice: "You were better without pride."
'Alice says it coldly as she blots her tears.'
Takuto: "!?"
'Moreover, Alice runs away without wiping her tears that began to overflow. I uttered a sigh small and began to walk in the garden. '

Night sky
Takuto: ("Dreamland")
'A too quiet garden at night makes my mind too lonely. Alice might try to protect Haishima. He is such an extremely cruel man, so why? Haishima's words on New Year's Eve come to mind. Was that all a lie?'
Takuto: (I am...foolish)
'I still try to believe (in Haishima's kindness) somewhere even after such treatment. I do not want to admit to myself I've been deceived.'

Makita-san appears.
Takuto: "Makita-san."
'Unexpectedly, Makita-san appears in front of my eyes. However, the appearance of Makita-san was not longer than a second.'
Takuto: "Makita-san!? Makita-san...!?"
'Then, did I see a phantom?'
(black screen)
'I look for Makita-san for a while afterwards and wander the garden. Makita-san was not found anywhere.'
Days 16 through 21 are identical to OVER THE RAINBOW. Return here at Day 22.
Day 16 - Banquet of Conviction
Day 17 - Magic of the Crimson Rose
Day 18 - Confession
Day 19 - Mania Gone Astray
Day 20 - The Body Which Keeps Decaying
Day 21 - Foreboding Death
~Day 22 - The Sentencing~

Candles video - Night to Day

Takuto makes scratch twenty two.
Takuto: "Un..."
'My eyes finally opened after blinking several times. The ceiling that I was used to seeing. I did not think that I was dead yet.'
Takuto: *groan*
'When I glanced over, Ryouta's face was seen sideways. Ryouta was asleep in the bed. A dark shadow falls on the corner of his eye. It was clear that Ryouta was wasting away.'
Takuto: "Ryouta...."
Takuto: "Ugh----!???"
Takuto: *coughing up blood*
'A heavy mass lumps in my throat unexpectedly. I thrashed in reaction. I coughed greatly and a large amount of blood overflowed from my mouth and fell.'
Ryouta: "Takuto!?"
Takuto: *coughing*
Ryouta: "Takuto!? Takuto...!?"
'Vast blood. The blood spills from my mouth'.
Takuto: *painful gasping*
'Unexpectedly, a sharp pain runs up my back. '
Takuto: *painful gasping*
Ryouta: "Ah...!? Ta-- Takuto!?"
Takuto: *painful gasping*
'A like the wound's being ripped open and being burnt. And, I understand that something hot overflows there and along my back.'
Takuto: *painful gasping*
Ryouta: "Takuto! Takuto...!! Blood...blood!!"
'Ryouta set his hand on my back in the mirror's reflection. Blood. It's a large amount of blood boiling up from the wound and dropping onto the sheet.'
Takuto: "Ryo--..." *coughing up blood*
Ryouta: "Aa...ah, Takuto!"

Angry Ryouta
Ryouta: "Wait for a moment! I'll look for someone."
Ryouta: "It's useless! No matter how many times you say to calm down. Wait for a moment."
Takuto: "Ryo--...uck..."
*door opening.*
'Ryouta runs from the door and goes out. I did not want to meet the residents of this pavilion by any means.'
*sheets rustling*
'Painfully, I drag myself out of bed. There wasn't enough power to stand up either and I begin to crawl.'
Takuto: *painful gasping*
'Blood still overflowed from my back. I was helpless and painful.'
Takuto: *painful gasping*
'I try to lift the gun out of the drawer. My fingers trembled like my nerves were cut. I desperately move my fingers, gripping the gun.'
Takuto: "Ryo--...uta. I'm sorry...."
'Strength still did not enter my knee, though I wanted to stand up. I leaned against the drawer and sit down.'
Takuto: "You...because of me...Ryouta..."
'When I die, Ryouta will be left here. Harm will reach Ryouta at that point. Rather than that, I begin to think it would be better to kill Ryouta with these hands.'
Ryouta: "Takuto. I brought it. "

Veronica enters
Veronica: "How do you do?"
Takuto: "Veronica..."
Veronica: "I was worried because your meal was not taken for a long time."
'Veronica's expression was the same as always. Her appearance was contrary to the words she said about being worried about me.'
Veronica: "It seems to be very painful."
Ryouta: "Hey!? The medicine!"
Veronica: "I'll ask the master to come."
Ryouta: "Eh? Wait a moment!! His permission isn't necessary!"
Veronica: "This pavilion is moved by master's mind. Nothing can be done by my will."
Takuto: "You...!!"
Veronica: "Please wait a little. "
Ryouta: "Uh!? HEY!!"
'Ryouta watched in disappointment as Veronica left. He kneels in front of me before long.'
Ryouta: "Takuto...are you alright...Of course you're not...."
Takuto: "Uh..."
Ryouta: "Takuto...Takuto..."
Takuto: "Don't worry."
Ryouta (near tears): "What are you saying!?"
'Words cannot be spoken any longer though I wanted to answer. I, however, laugh desperately to try to make Ryouta feel relieved, if only a little.'
Ryouta: "Damn it..."
'I am embraced closely while Ryouta seemed to cry. I can barely open my eyes though I want to be embraced by Ryouta. The pain in my back extends though my whole body.'
*door opens*
Ryouta: "Nh!?"
'Ryouta stares at the door, shouting. Haishima and Veronica stand there. '

Kou and Ryouta
Kou: "Humph."
'I was still convinced that it had changed because I had been held by Ryouta.'
Kou: "Regrettable Takuto. You did not think that even here was foolish."
Ryouta: "Hey! Since when was it Takuto that had done something!?"
Kou: "You are a foolish child as usual. Do you not notice that Takuto pants painfully because of you?"
Ryouta: "Nn!?"
Kou: "Do you grasp these kinds of things now?"
Takuto: "Kuu...ah..."
'Haishima kneels in front of me and grips my jaw strongly.'
Kou (scornfully): "Even the strength to pull the trigger doesn't remain any longer."
Takuto: "!?"
Kou: "After what you've done you can be surprised? After seeing your current state, such a thing should be understood at once. After defilement it is not possible to become our companion. It is the same until the 'Ceremony' is finished. Will you be able to sense it? When I am dying because you were held by this person?"
Takuto (bitter): "Ah..."
Kou: "The 'Master' cannot be accepted for the 'Ceremony'. Or it becomes a poison and gnaws at you and all the body fluids of the person tied to you."
Ryouta: "Nn!?"
Kou: "And the mind distorts at the same time as the spirit. While you're dying, if you're approached by pleasure you request pleasure to forget the pain."
Ryouta: "Ta--...kuto...? Lies...?"
Takuto: "Ryou--...ta..."
'The words leave me in blank surprise and a Haishima's low jeer reaches my ears.'

Kou has given up on Takuto
Kou (angry): "You're ungraceful. There is no more compassion either. Die as you are."
'Haishima releases his hand while despising me with cold eyes.'
Takuto: *gasping painfully*
Ryouta: "Takuto!!"
'I fall ungracefully on the carpet.'
Ryouta: "Are you alright, Takuto!?"
Takuto: "I'"
'Strength is lost. I was not able to finish my words. I fall and lay down.'
Ryouta: "Takuto!"
Takuto: "Ryou--...ta...sorry..."
Ryouta (near tears): "Takuto!? Why are you apologizing!?"
Takuto: "For troubling you for a long time until now."
Ryouta: "Takuto's an idiot."
Takuto: "I ..I'm.. ..evil..."
Ryouta: "Wrong! That's absolutely wrong!"
Takuto: "Ryouta...?"
Ryouta: "I ... I did not think you were troubling at all. Therefore, do not apologize. Didn't I say that we'll leave together!?"
'Ryouta shouts and the gun that rolled from my hand is picked up.'

Ryouta picks up the gun
Ryouta: "Hey!? Haven't you had enough!?"
'Ryouta shouts and aims the gun straight at Haishima, his finger on the trigger.'
Ryouta: "What the purpose did you afflict this on Takuto!"
Kou: "You don't learn from experience...challenging even though you know you'll be defeated."
Ryouta: "Liar!"
Kou: "What will you do? Kill me?"
Ryouta: "Kuu...that's right!"
Kou: "Shoot me."
Ryouta: "!?"
Kou: "Will you do it? Now, pull the trigger."
Ryouta: "You're trying to trick me!"
Kou: "I'm not amused."
Ryouta: I will shoot! Really!
Kou: "I told you to try."
Ryouta: "!"
Kou: "Takuto's value disappeared."
Ryouta: "Eh!!"
Kou: "The intention was polluted by in the nuisance who is called Ryouta. My interest has already disappeared. Takuto is an eyesore. Therefore, if I die I don't care."
Takuto: "Kuu----!"
~Lucky tragedy~
Ryouta: "Bastard...!"
*gun being cocked*
'Ryouta tries to grip the gun.'
Ryouta: "Takuto is not yours. Absolutely not ----!!"
(White flash)

Kou's stunned
Kou: "Guh!?"
Takuto (shocked): "Haishima-sa--...!?"
'I heard the shot up close, and Haishima's body shook momentarily. His body begins to slowly collapse. A black particle fluttered in the air, and I was not able to move.'

Kou smiles
Kou: "Takuto...----"
Takuto (shocked): "Haishima-san...!?"
'Suddenly, Haishima's lonesome eyes narrowed sadly.'
'It was the same expression from New Year's Eve.'
(Takuto's bedroom)
Ryouta: "Ah...ah...I."
'Ryouta had the gun.'
(Screen fades out)

The ruins
Ryouta: "Uh..."
Takuto: "Ah..."
Ryouta: "Eh! What...!!??"
Takuto (surprised): "Uh!"
'We were sitting on the ruins suddenly. A place that had already been ruined for years.'
Ryouta: "Ta--...Takuto...? head...?"
Takuto: "Ryouta."
Ryouta: "A little while go. Inside that house..."
Takuto: "Haishima-san...? Veronica...?"
Chiharu: "Ryouta...Katsuragi..."
'Unexpectedly, a voice called from somewhere far. Makita-san was suddenly there. Her body seemed transparent and able to disappear at any second.'

Chiharu appears
Chiharu: "Both are outside."
Ryouta: "Chiharu...?"
Chiharu: "I like Ryouta."
Ryouta (looking down): "...!?"
Chiharu: "I won't forget Ryouta, however, it is not possible to meet any longer."
Ryouta: "Chiha--..."
Chiharu: "Even if Ryouta doesn't love me ... I like Ryouta.... For a long time ----"
Chiharu: "Goodbye Ryouta..."

The pavilion ruins
'Makita-san disappeared into the night sky, and the snow began to fall.'
Ryouta: "Chiharu...!?"
'Ryouta reaches toward the air. There were no one there any longer, however.'
Ryouta (looking down): "Chiharu...Chiharu...Chiha..."
Ryouta: *sobbing* "Chihar...u....sorry...sorry, Chiharu."
Ryouta: *sobbing* "Chiharu..."
Takuto: "...Ryouta."
'I quietly embraced Ryouta closely who screamed like a child.'
Takuto: "You helped me...thank you."
Ryouta: "Takuto...?"
Takuto: "Thanks to Ryouta ... I survived. We were able to leave."
Ryouta: "I shot...for the first time."
Takuto (smiling): "Ryouta...."
'I noticed I began to feel slight pleasure while embracing Ryouta. Ryouta shouldered the same crime as me. Someone was deprived of their life by his hands. Pure Ryouta trembles from the shock.'
Takuto: "It's alright...that was not a person you shot."
Ryouta (shocked): "Ah..."
Takuto: "The 'bad dream' was destroyed. was all a 'bad dream'."
Ryouta: "Takuto..."
Takuto: "It's alright. Ryouta isn't bad.... You are not dirty. You...helped me."
Ryouta: *sobbing* "Takuto!"
'Ryouta strongly embraces me closely. The snow falls quietly on us. I thought, how does the sunflower become in the snow? Will you wither? Or, will that yellow petal be frozen?'
Takuto: "Everything has already ended. We had a bad dream. "
'I pressed my cheek against Ryouta's hair. I thought that Ryouta came to the same place as me.'
Takuto: "Let's return, Ryouta. To that room. To our place."
'Ryouta quieted me with a finger over my mouth. I thought it was dear.'

Apartment at night
*keys jingling*
*door being opened*

Back home at the apartment
Takuto: "I'm back, Ryouta."
Ryouta: "Ah, welcome back~!"
'I take off my boots and walk to the kitchen.'
Takuto: "How about your report? Is it done?"

Sad Ryouta
Ryouta: "Halfway, finally. I'm overworked already."
Takuto: "It's not impossible, calm down if you don't want to repeat a year. What's left?"
Ryouta: "'Western History study theory', 'Psychology A', 'Social informatics', 'Politics outline', and 'Study related to international'."
Takuto: "You shouldn't postpone the troublesome ones."
Ryouta (whining): "I'm not good at learning. The report..."
Takuto: "You'll repeat the year if you don't do it, even if you're good. You took the student division with great pains."
Ryouta: "Uunn..."
Takuto scolds him for a while.
Ryouta: "Hai..."
Takuto: "Because I went passed 'Burger express'. Here."

Happy Ryouta
Ryouta (happy): "Seriously? Takuto I love you!!"
Ryouta: "Ah..."
Takuto: "...ah..."
'The conversation unnaturally became interrupted. Embarrassed, Ryouta looked down at the desk. After the night it snowed., we returned to this apartment and did not discuss the events there at all. I sleep, eat, go to school, work and return to this room. Not even a word had been said about the pavilion as if we mutually agreed everything was a dream. I looked up so that Ryouta would shake it off, instead of silently thinking.'
Ryouta: "Haha! Sorry. I was so delighted, I unintentionally shouted."
Takuto: "..."
Ryouta: "Anxious?"
Takuto: "Ah, a little."
'I laughed and took off my coat. I walked towards the sink.'
*making coffee noises / clinking*
'I recall Ryouta in the snow while scooping up the powder coffee with a spoon.'
Takuto: (Ryouta...)
'Somewhere in my mind at that time I was certainly pleased. I thought Ryouta's sobs were dear because he had shot Haishima.'
*pouring coffee*
'Fragrance of coffee. The smell of reality. Still, I remembered such a strange feeling that I had not returned to this world. I returned to Ryouta when the coffee was done and poured it in the mug that Ryouta's elder sister gave us.'
Takuto: "Thanks for waiting."
Ryouta: "Oh, thank you!"
Takuto: "The special, double bacon burger is yours, along with the Chili and cola."
Ryouta: "Delightful! I just about died from starvation. Ittadakkimasu! It's good! The bacon burger. The best."
Takuto: "Delicious dish, I like it. "
Ryouta: "What about Takuto's?"
Takuto: "I ate at the shop. I was overcome by the smell, though I would have wanted to take it home."
Ryouta: "That so?"
'Ryouta says so and bites into the hamburger again. I who had stopped eating in the pavilion also accepted food again. Between the life of a normal person. I cannot merge into this world again yet though it can't possibly be a problem. Or, will more time be necessary? Has my mind not returned yet?'
Ryouta: "Gotisoosama! It was good."
'When I noticed, the hamburger and chili were already gone.'
Takuto: "Then, your report isn't going well?"
Ryouta: (depressed) "...perhaps..."
Takuto: "When is the final deadline?"
Ryouta: "The student division closes on Friday this week."
'Ryouta mutters lonesomely and faces the table again. I drink my now lukewarm coffee. Our school's latter term examination is considerably earlier than the other universities because of the entrance exam.'
'Ryouta was almost disregarded from being absent without permission during the examinations while we were in the pavilion. However, I pleaded with the professor and made him remember that Ryouta's elder brothers graduated from here. After a frightening amount of paper work, Ryouta was cleared.'
Ryouta: "Hey, Takuto."
'Ryouta looked up again before long. '
Takuto: "What is it?"
Ryouta: "Is 'now' really reality?
Takuto: "Eh...!? Ryouta...? What on earth are you saying?"
Ryouta: "No reason. However, it's too normal, and too peaceful."
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
Ryouta: "I go to school and work part-time, Takuto also goes to the flower shop."
Ryouta: "Though this must be reality, it feels like a dream."
'My thoughts were the same. Ryouta also felt like me.'
Takuto: "No dream. This is not a dream but certainly a reality."
'I wasn't sure, however, even if it can relieve Ryouta just a little...then Ryouta laughed.'
Ryouta: "Was everything that occurred there a dream? Was saying that Takuto liked me all a dream?"
Takuto: "Ryouta...!"
*sad music*
'Ryouta's face distorted as if frightened for a moment. '
Ryouta: "Answer, Takuto. Was that already a dream to you?"
Takuto: "..."
Ryouta: "I don't understand it. The distinction between the dream and reality doesn't connect. There is no reality, and that pavilion doesn't exist any longer, however, this one must be a reality. As for Takuto singing and playing the piano there...
Ryouta: "Therefore, Takuto. ...Will you tell me? Takuto must answer what he thinks I should do."
'I laughed. I had a lump in my throat at Ryouta's frightened expression Ryouta. Ryouta is clinging to me. So. I must cling to unconsciously Ryouta.'
Takuto: "I remember clearly. All words that you said to me are still clearly remembered."
Ryouta: "Takuto..."
Takuto: "However, I also cannot completely return to reality with you yet. The days end peacefully...too calm, and are identically repeated. The natural thing would be to think it's a dream. Therefore...I did not say anything to was not possible to say."
Takuto: "Our damaging started there, being corned and even breaking. Your existence certainly supported me in that situation. I thought that I did not want to lose you. After we had returned, I wasn't able to say because of that. My feelings for you are only felt in that state. They're meaningless in this calm life. No, you probably regret that. Nothing can be said any longer when thinking so."
Ryouta: "Takuto..."
'Ryouta says thickly, and stares. This doesn't have the sense of reality though it must be. I thought that it was because I hadn't it yet?\a place to live in this world.'
'The other party had said, "Cage", a place in order to sustain.'
Takuto: "I'm uneasy. I don't want to lose you and I don't want to lose this life."

Flustered Ryouta
Ryouta: "Takuto...---!"
'Ryouta clings to me as he speaks.'
Ryouta: "I regret doing it. My feelings didn't change for a long time and I liked Takuto for a long time...a long time...! Please return to me."
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
'That moment. I thought I heard the sound of the "Cage" door opening.'
*heartbeat music*

Creepy Takuto
Takuto: "It's alright."
'I put my arms on Ryouta's back. I pat Ryouta, whose body keeps shaking as if frightened.'
Takuto: "You are necessary to me."
Ryouta (smiling): "Takuto..."
Takuto: "Sorry, I was insecure. I like you... I. Please be at my side for a long time. You are actually necessary to me."
Ryouta: "Takuto..."
'I certainly tried to kill Ryouta in that pavilion. Because I didn't want to afflict him. Because I didn't want to lose him.'
Takuto: "We still just woke up out of that dream. Let's make it a reality, a new reality different from the pavilion."
'I drew Ryouta's face up, and drew his lips. '

Takuto kisses Ryouta
Ryouta: "Hgn..."
Takuto: *kissing*
'Ryouta's lip is licked while my finger traces his cheek. Ryouta's body trembled with a tension different from earlier.'
Ryouta: *kissing*
Takuto: *kissing*
'My tongue is inserted slowly and Ryouta's tongue twined to it. A sigh overflowed when my teeth were traced by the tip of his tongue and Ryouta's body trembled again'
Ryouta: *kissing*
Takuto: *kissing / moaning*
'I throw Ryouta down while still kissing.'
Ryouta: "Uh...Takuto...!?"
Takuto: "It's alright, such a face will not do. I want to make you pleasant."
Ryouta: "No, but..."

Takuto pushes Ryouta's shirt up
'I tuck up Ryouta's shirt while laughing. My tongue was held to his nipple and gripped Ryouta's wrist so he couldn't run away.'
Ryouta: "Ughn...Takuto...!"
Takuto: "Hey, feeling."
'I quietly begin to trace his nipple with the tip of my tongue and laugh again.'
Ryouta: *quiet gasping*
Ryouta: *quiet gasping* "Takuto...!"
Takuto: "It's alright, Ryouta..."
'Fighting faintly, Ryouta pushes on my shoulder. When I held it with my lips, I sucked on it strongly and rolled it with my tongue until it became hard.'
Ryouta: "Ta...kuto." *quiet gasping*
Ryouta: *quiet gasping*
Takuto: "So tense..."
Ryouta: *quiet gasping* "Even if it is said..." *gasping*
Takuto: *squish* "It's necessary not to think about anything. Only pleasure..."
Ryouta: *quiet gasping*
'Ryouta's waist trembles greatly only with the touch of my tongue.'
(black screen)
'I begin to lower the fastener of Ryouta's jeans.'
Ryouta: "Takuto...!?"
'Ryouta's voice rose again. However, I drag out Ryouta's penis from between the space in his jeans without a remark, and hold it in my mouth.'
Ryouta: "Augh!?"

Takuto licks Ryouta
Takuto: *licking*
Ryouta: *gasping* "Takuto...Takuto...!"
'Ryouta's face dyed red in shame, his body, however, reacts in my mouth while saying so.'
Takuto: *sucking*
Ryouta: *gasping*
Takuto: *sucking*
Ryouta: "'s useless, Takuto..."
Takuto: ...Not useless...
'I take him deeper in my mouth.'
Takuto: *sucking*
Ryouta: *gasping* "Takuto...!"
'Ryouta's legs opened widely. I grip his ankle and quickly stripped off the jeans.'
Takuto: *sucking*
Ryouta: "Ta...kuto..., Takuto..! Ahhh..."
Takuto: " it pleasant...Ryouta?"
Ryouta: "Ah...Takuto...! I..." *gasping*
Ryouta: "It's..." *louder gasping*
'Ryouta's penis trembles and is released from my mouth. I begin to trace the tip strongly with my tongue.'
Takuto: *greedy sucking*
Ryouta: *gasping* "Don''s strong..."
Takuto: *greedy sucking*
'It trembles constantly and liquid blots out. I swallowed it deep into my throat and began to move roughly.'
Ryouta: "A...ah.., impossible! Takuto... Ah'..Don--..Ahhh!"
Takuto: *greedy sucking*
Ryouta: "D...don't!! Ahh...ku...It goes out...ah.. Sto---!"
'Ryouta's waist rises and his thigh begins to tremble.'
Takuto: *greedy sucking*
Ryouta: "Ah...Ah... Taktuo!! comes...aaahhh!!"
'Ryouta shouts. Ryouta's penis, which has reached it's limit, swells up hot and a large amount of liquid overflows.'
Ryouta: "I...ah, comes, it comes. Ah...Aaaaahhhhh----!!"
(white flash)
Takuto: *swallowing / sucking*
'Ryouta shot it into my mouth with a shout. I slowly swallowed that liquid.'
Ryouta: *heavy panting* "Takuto..."
Ryouta: *panting*
'Ryouta's body still trembled. I reach to the shelf, and grip the baby oil used to prevent chapped skin from the kitchen work.'

Takuto takes Ryouta
Ryouta: "Ta...Takuto!? Eh!?"
'Ryouta noticed his waist was held lightly and the oil drops down into my palm.'
Ryouta: "Un...ha...? Takuto? What..."
Takuto: *chuckle* "...oil. "
'I smeared the oil on Ryouta's leg.'
Ryouta: "Wa...! Wa--wait... Ah...sto...!!"
Takuto: "Don't run away."
Ryouta: "Even if you say not to run away...! Ah...ku...! Such...touching...!"
Takuto: "Even so, you did it to me."
'Ryouta's entrance is slowly opened by the tip of my finger and oil is plastered there.'
Ryouta: "A...ack... ha...touching."
Takuto: "Ryouta, do not run away."
'A finger covered with oil is quietly pushed inside.'
Ryouta: " Unn...nn."
Ryouta: Ah...don't...! St--... ah...
Ryouta: *grunting / gasping*
Takuto: "'s alright."
'Hand covered with oil, I start caressing his penis at the same time.'
Ryouta: "Takuto...!" *gasping*
Takuto: "It's discouraging...even without trying to escape..."
Ryouta: "Even if I...! Ah...Nnn...!"
'Ryouta's penis trembles and grows in my hand.'
Takuto: "...You're scared. Trust me, Ryouta."
Ryouta: "Takuto...aaah...nnn...Takuto..."
'Ryouta pants and his waist shook greatly. I insert my finger deeper.'
Ryouta: *gasping*
Takuto: "Hey...can you feel it?"
Ryouta: "Ah, ha...!?"
Takuto: "When you trust me, it's possible to become pleasant."
Ryouta: *gasping*
'Moreover, Ryouta's waist shook again. A movement that began to request pleasure more obviously this time.'
Takuto: "Are you saying you're not? I want Ryouta to become pleasant. "
Ryouta: *gasping*
'I pulled out my finger, and pulled down the fastener of my trousers. And, I push in father than my finger and Ryouta who's wet with oil allows me inside.'
Takuto (whisper): "Ryouta...I love you..."
Ryouta: "Ah...eeyah---!?"
Ryouta: *choked gasping* "Takuto..."
Ryouta: "Takuto..." *choked gasping* "Sto..."
Takuto: "Ryouta who's without power..."
'I whisper while burying my penis in Ryouta.'
Ryouta: "It...It's...ahhh! Painful...hurts..."
Takuto: "You'll become accustomed soon."
Ryouta: "Acck! Hgnn..!"
Takuto: "It's'll becomes pleasant at once. Just as much as me?"
'My penis is swallowed and I began to shake, gripping Ryouta's waist.'
Ryouta: "Ah...Ta?cTakuto...! Movement--"
Takuto: " Ryouta."
Ryouta: "Eh...!?" *gasping* "Takuto...?"
Takuto: "A little while ago also... I said it. I ... because Ryouta likes it... I only want you to become pleasant..."
Ryouta: "Takuto..." *gasping*
Takuto: "Hereafter, I will teach Ryouta that it's pleasant."
Ryouta: *gasping* "Takuto... Taku...!" *gasping*
Takuto: " not refuse...Ryouta..."
'I shake my waist harder. My Dear has a lump in his throat. Laughter spills from me.'
Ryouta: *gasping*
Takuto: "It is so, Ryouta...when you're powerless it becomes easy?"
Ryouta: *gasping* "Takuto...! Takuto...!"
Takuto: "I like you, you, Ryouta."
Ryouta: *faster gasping*
Takuto: "Hereafter...for a long time...I will give to you."
'This is the real us. This is the "Cage". Thus, I will keep embracing Ryouta in the future. Haishima and "Them" tried to embrace me by submitting me to pleasure. However, I am different from "Them". Ryouta is embraced dearly. Ryouta, who shoulders the same crime as me, must not feel sorry any longer. Ryouta, can cling to my side for all eternity. I will confine Ryouta in this two person "Cage" and value it more than anyone.'
'Ryouta must only be seen by me----.'
Takuto (whisper): "I love you...Ryouta..."
Ryouta: "Takuto...Takuto..." *heavy gasping*
'Ryouta's voice began to change into pleasure. I pushed my penis in tightly--laughing.'