Candles video - Night to Day

Takuto's bedroom - day
Takuto wakes up in his bedroom. He's slow to remember what happened but when he does, he rushes for the bathroom.

Bite marks
He looks in the mirror to see the bite marks.
Kou's voice: "I am a vampire."
'Vampire. I thought 'it' was an artificial product in movies and novels'
Kou's Voice: "The light in daytime becomes unpleasant, the impossibility of having a usual meal and thus, a wound is left by putting the mouth to the throat of the catch. Such stories of ominous monsters have been heard?"
Takuto: (Lies...)
Takuto takes a shower.
Takuto: (Was that a dream?)
'Someone taught me the name of the rose. The voice still sounded a lot like Haishima's. '
Takuto: (The name of the rose were taught to me...by Haishima. )
'I do not remember that time at all yet. However, my back stared aching after Haishima showed up was a fact. My back ached sometimes since that day but there was no a scar up until now. '
'I kept bathing in water for a long time until it got cold. '
Takuto finds the clothing unpleasant, as well as the chains, which he's not permitted to remove. He wonders if Ryouta is okay.
Kou's voice: "Might the best friend die while you are hesitating?"
I did not want to leave the room. I don't want to see anyone any longer. However, if I don't move, Ryouta might be in danger.

Hallway - day
Takuto heads for Ryouta's room.
'If this pavilion is a place where common sense doesn't exist and if Haishima is really a vampire...during the daytime, it is not possible for him to walk around.'
Ryouta finally answers the door.
'Ryouta falls silent once my face is seen and he looks down. '
Takuto heard he wasn't feeling well, but Ryouta won't speak. Takuto apologizes about yesterday. Ryouta says it wasn't Takuto's fault--he's just embarrassed
Takuto: "There might be a loophole some place that we overlooked."
Takuto tries to get Ryouta's spirit up. He doesn't want to mention Makita-san. They both laugh awkwardly and start exploring the pavilion.
(Black screen)
They check every door again. Takuto's amused by the place. It's so clean but it's impossible for Veronica to clean it on her own. And to light all the candles at night
They feel like they're walking around in circles.

A bright hallway
My legs instinctively stop before the dazzling hallway ahead.
Takuto gasps from the pain in his eyes. Ryouta panics. Takuto says it's nothing, just that they were in a dim place until now.
'I noticed my body was unconsciously trying to run away from the dazzling sunlight.'
CHOICE #25 - Click on choice one for Ryouta's bad ending #2: Slave to the Dark.
1. Say that I'll turn back. → SLAVE TO THE DARK (Ryouta Bad END 2)
2. Say that I'll be going into the interior.
'I'd admit that Haishima's words were true if I turned back here. Though it was painful, I was still a human.'
Takuto: "Let's keep going."
I put on a happy face, and begin to walk down the dazzling hallway. The afternoon light that pours down through the glass is dazzling and hot. My hands and throat that aren't covered by my shirt were hot, like in a miraculous flame. Such a thing I don't want noticed by Ryouta.
This must be some place new. They've never been in such a bright hallway. The reach the end where there's only one door.
'The door opens.'

Takuto: "Piano..."
'The dazzling afternoon sunshine pours in from the window and the entire room seems to be covered in a white light. I've come to miss the piano after a long time and walk over to it instinctively.'
Ryouta wonders if Kou plays it.
Takuto hits a key. No one's played it for a long time.
'Only here has been completely left alone though other places of the pavilion are tightly cleaned every day. Perhaps Haishima doesn't visit here, and he might dislike the room.'
Takuto's sad that this room is neglected. He thinks about the band, and that he'll never get to apologize for not taking them on that exhibition he promised them. Ryouta tells him they'll definitely get out.
Ryouta: "Why such a miserable face! We are absolutely running away!"
'This brightness. '
'Useless...after all.'
'I already began to think with backward resignation before I was aware. '
Takuto thanks Ryouta. They leave and continue to walk around all day. They can't find an exit, so they return to their separate rooms.

Candles video - Day to Night
Ryouta eats dinner with him again for the first time in a long time. After dinner, Takuto heads for the entrance.

Entrance Door
Takuto wonders if the door will really open.
'This door is sure to open if Haishima's words are not a lie.'
Kou's voice: "However, if your friend sees the scenery on the outside, it is likely to become [it very.]
Takuto opens the door.
Takuto: (Outside...it is possible to go out to the garden..)

Night sky
Takuto goes out into the cold air.
'I could not believe I was able to go out, and walked slowly. '
The smell of smoke mixes in with the roses. He follows the smoke.

Alice is there.
Alice: "You came to be able to go out into the garden like myself. Were you with Kou?"
'I want to talk about something else, and ask while laughing awkwardly. '
When Takuto asks what she's burning, she says "removing the past."
'Clothes that were diverted into a blackish ash.'
Takuto: (Makita-san's clothing!?)
Takuto: "Alice...is that..."

Takuto's burnt hand
Takuto pushes her aside and reaches in, burning his hand.

It heals
However, it heals...
Alice: "I'm surprised. You really don't know anything, do you. You are not a person any longer. It's useless even if you hide it. You have received the 'Ceremony' a second time."
Alice: "Didn't you hear it from Kou? ...Even he is a vampire. Vampire's skin is different from man's. "
Takuto: "Alice...you and Veronica...are also vampires?"
Alice: "No, we're different. The only one that can be called a 'Vampire' in this pavilion is Kou. Though Veronica and I are not people."

Takuto: "...the clothes that burn in there now..."
Alice: "This?"
Takuto: "They are my acquaintance's clothes"
'Haishima killing my parents. Such thought come instantly to mind, however as for that question I could not ask Alice. It would seem true if I asked it.'
1. Show Alice the earring
2. Leave.
'I quietly touched the earring in my pocket. Feeling the small, cold metal.'
'He asks Alice if it's hers, but it's not. Takuto tells her it belongs to the girl whose clothes she's burning. He saw her in the garden that night. Angry, Takuto tells her to say where Makita-san is.'
Alice tells him that she's not the person he remembers, so he shouldn't look for her. Takuto argues...what about Ayako, and her family?
Alice's voice changes.
Alice: "Takuto is a child. You do not understand yet, the feelings of that person."
Takuto asks if she means Makita-san. Alice says no.
Alice: "You do not understand anything, as for your friend and Kou's feelings."
Takuto: "Ryouta? Did Ryouta say anything?"
Alice: "Everything is thrown away for him......She threw away the past. It's useless even if meeting her. "
Takuto: "Even if you say so. It might be impossible, but I worry about Makita-san. "
'Alice waves gracefully. And, she left with a glance to faintly ridicule me.'
(white dream tunnel)
~In the Music Room~

Piano keys
Ryouta: "Katsuragi senpai!"
Takuto: "...Sasamori."
'It was Ryouta who roughly pulled the music room door open and entered. Nostalgic scenery. Every day was like this in those days, and my lunchtime was always being monopolized by Ryouta.'
Ryouta: "I heard the sound of the piano."
'Ham on bread in a big box lunch box, paper carton, and Ryouta's favorite dishes. It was Ryouta's usual lunch.'
Ryouta: "Are you an accompaniment of the contest that played a little while ago?"
Takuto: "I am."
Ryouta: "You're still famous even if entreating all girls in the chorus club."
'That time...Ryouta to me...'
Ryouta: "Ano..."
Takuto: "What?"

Young Takuto and Ryouta
Ryouta: "Katsuragi-senpai! Will you create a band with me!!"
Takuto: "Regrettably, I courteously refuse. (Ryouta whines and keeps asking why not) Sasamori. You shouldn't stick your neck into private affairs so much. (Ryouta comes to his own conclusions and Takuto's forced to fully explain) I work part-time. It's a secret because it's prohibited by the school."
Ryouta: "I understand that I'm persistent. However, I like senpai's music. "