Blackcurrant: a species of currant native to central and northern Europe. Blackcurrants have a very sweet and sharp taste. They are made into jelly, jam, juice, ice cream, cordial and liqueur. (Cassis is the name of the berries) Being a plant used in drinks in the UK, it's no surprised that Kou has this plant.

Candles video - Night to Day
Takuto makes scratch number six.

Takuto's bedroom - day
Every morning Veronica leaves a new pair of silk clothes on his bed after his shower. Changing clothing after a shower and breakfast was becoming daily routine.
1. Go look for Ryouta
2. Go look for Kou.
Takuto goes out to look for Ryouta. He wants to know if Ryouta's alright after being kicked so hard last night. Again, Ryouta's not there.
Pavilion entrance
He runs into Alice.
Alice: "I want to go out."
Takuto apologizes for being in her way. He's confused why he didn't hear her. His shoes always make noise on the marble floor. Alice asks if he wants to come with her.
Alice: "It is possible to go out to the garden if it is the same as me. The gate never opens."
Takuto: "?"
Alice: "What will you do? It goes to the garden."
Takuto hesitates, not sure if she's an enemy or an ally. They go outside.

The front of the pavilion during the day
Takuto winces at the light.
'Pain, hot and stifling.'
Alice laughs.
Alice: "You can even follow me if you like. However, I do not think that you should approach the gate. You will only become sad at the fact that you cannot go out."
Takuto questions her intentions.

Blackcurrant plants
They go to the blackcurrant shrubs where the materials for the drinks are collected. Alice starts picking them and Takuto helps. She's speechless for a moment, then remarks that he's finally acting like a gentle man. Takuto graciously says thanks.
While picking them, Takuto thinks that these plants only grow during the summer. It reminds him of the bright red roses in full bloom.
'Rose that blooms at midwinter. Fruits that ripen at midwinter. And, Haishima-san's bright red eyes. Why does common sense not pass here? I noticed myself, who did not think about it further. It's because that would make it true if said aloud.'
'I silently ask Alice who keeps picking cassis.'
Alice: "Separate from work. A hobby"
1. Ask about Kou.
2. Keep picking.
Takuto: "Are you Haishima's acquaintance?"
Alice: "It's true."
Takuto: "Then, I want you to teach me....what kind of person is Haishima really?"
Alice won't tell him.
Takuto: "Alice..."
Alice tells him it's foolish to evaluate someone from only one angle.
Alice: "The kind smile to which everyone was relieved, and there was even a horrific killer who had killed 100 people or more."
Alice starts to say something else about the Kou she knows but stops. Kou is her ally.
Alice: "Therefore, I want you to fulfill Kou's wish and cooperate. "
She doesn't hate Takuto anymore, but Kou is more important to her.
'At least to Alice, Haishima is not a bad man. '

Blackcurrant plants - sunset
Takuto's envious of her that she respect Kou, when he's almost lost all affection for him. They keep picking in silence until the sun starts to set.
Alice thanks him for helping. When he tries to leave, Alice tells him to wait. She hesitates to speak, but then asks about his dreams.
***This part gets butchered, but I know that Alice make a drink for him that will give him happy dreams.
Alice: "The chocolate, the cinnamon, cassis, and the following material are secrets. I will have Veronica deliver it tonight "

Alice laughs mischievously and leaves. Alone, Takuto walks through the garden.

The gate - sunset
Unexpectedly, the gate jumps into view. Takuto runs up to it and tries to open it.
*iron rattling*
Takuto: "After all, it's impossible."
*cat meow*
'When eyes are given to a young cry, by chance a small black cat is sitting on the other side of the gate. '
Takuto calls it over. The cat doesn't come, so he reaches through the gate for it. He pets it. Suddenly, the idea of climbing over the gate comes to him.
*the gate rattling*
Takuto climbs over the gate and when he lands...the cat's still on the other side. The cat yawns. Certainly he had jumped outside. Takuto scrambles up the gate again.
'And, I jumped down to one's heart's content on the asphalt on the outside. When my place was confirmed...'
'I was still in the garden.'

Takuto laughs weakly.
'I was not able to stand, and collapsed in the place. What I have desperately refused seemed to be pointed out suddenly, and I fall into tears.'
Takuto: "These kinds of things...are certainly impossible."
'Rose that blooms at midwinter. Fruits that ripen at midwinter. A gate not connected with the outside. And,---those bright red pupils of Haishima. If here was not a place where man's common sense had already passed, I was made to learn. The cat was still outside the gate.'

Candles video - Day to Night
Pavilion Entrance
'After having finished supper alone, my legs carried me to the entrance.'
Takuto shakes the main door.
'No one came to supper. '
Takuto: "!!"
'I moved the key rough as irritation was thrown. '
Takuto: "Useless. It won't open after all."

A mysterious old man appears
Mysterious old man: "Do you want to go out?"
'He appeared out of the shadows. He's the same as Alice. There is no sign, no footsteps, and soon appears before one is aware.'
Mysterious old man: "You are a new guest though it seems you tried to open the door a little while ago for a long time?"
'A frightening overpowering feeling. He unexpectedly narrowed his eyes like having recalled something without me saying anything.'
Mysterious old man: "Are you the child from that time?"
Takuto: "Who are you? How do you know who I am?"
Mysterious old man: "[You have known also. Wasn't there going mad on Kou's eyes? The mind received this time though you shouldered a large crime without defilement. Is it the end finally?["
Takuto: "What are you saying? How do you know me?"
Mysterious old man: "You need not know. "
'He took out the gun from the inside of his jacket.'
Mysterious old man: "This is for you."
Takuto: "!?"

An ornate revolver
Mysterious old man: "This is the arms that can kill only one in this world; Kou."
Takuto: "...!?"
Mysterious old man: "However, the trigger moves only when man who shoots it has true murderous intent."
'The elderly person presents the gun toward me.'
1. I take the gun.
2. I don't take the gun.
Takuto takes the gun.
'Cold. Heavy...'
Mysterious old man: "It is loaded. Weak child who was only able to sleep in arm while crying...please kill Kou by your hands."
Takuto: "Please, wait!! You...!!"
(The man fades away)
'Suddenly, only I was at the entrance.'
Takuto: "He disappeared?"
'I desperately looked about surroundings. Was it a dream? I notice the weight of the gun in my hand as soon as having thought so. Arms said to kill Haishima---.'
Takuto stares at the door. He remembers the cat.
'The world on the outside. Reality where I am. It is necessary to kill Haishima to return there.'
Takuto: (To kill Haishima.)
'I'm nears tears...why?'
Takuto conceals the gun as he walks back to his room.

Takuto's bedroom - night
When he comes back from his shower there's a knock at his door. It's Veronica, with a "gift" from Alice.
'The bottle of gorgeous crystal is being held in the hands of Veronica. Contents that seemed to be transparent looked like the syrup of fruits of condensed red wine. '
Veronica: "...Have you already heard from Alice on how to drink it?"
Takuto: "How to drink? Is it something special?"
Veronica: "There is a special effect in the sake here. Takuto-sama, please drink the sake after it gets into bed without fail. Setting it on the bedside might be good. And, when eyes are shut after it finished drinking, time where you want to return is imagined."
Takuto: "Time that I want to return to?"
(Alice steps on screen)
'I did not hear the footsteps. I have begun not to be surprised at such a thing any longer.'
She says it's to remember happy memories. It's his reward for helping her pick the cassis. But it might be addictive though. Once he dreams, he's not going to want to leave here.
Alice: "You are the same sign as Kou, Veronica, and me."
Takuto: "The same sign? Please wait for a moment."
Alice: "You see it in me. The darkness in the bottom of one's hearts. And Takuto, reach the realm of sleep before the Sandman comes."
'Alice waves while clinging to Veronica. She walks blithely and leaves with Veronica like depending too much on the elder sister.'
They leave.
The quote about the sandman brings up a feeling of nostalgia--about a legend his mother told him when he was small. (The sandman, a figure who brings good sleep and dreams by sprinkling magic sand onto sleeping children). When he was a child he thought it was a threat so he firmly shut his eyes.
'The unit contained sake and I slid between the sheets. The smell of the chocolate, the cinnamon, and the rose and various the one mixed, but not an unpleasant smell. I slowly subsided into sleep.'
White tunnel

The last Christmas
'I did not believe the spectacle before my eyes. It was that last Christmas. The last Christmas spent together when papa and mother were alive.'
Takuto and his mother talk about the cake. They decide to wait until tomorrow to eat it. Grown up Takuto laughs at "himself".
*doorbell rings.*
'The sound of the buzzer is heard, and 'I' and mother face the door. Papa is sure to come back covered with the snows if this is really the dream from that day. '
Takuto's Father: "Takuto. I'm back!"
Takuto: "Father--!!"
'I was correct about my father. It was the spectacle as shown on that day.'
Takuto: "Welcome home papa. It was suitable between Christmases. "
Takuto's Father: "Papa held out for Takuto. "
Takuto's Mother: "Welcome home. I was worried because it said on the news that the trains stopped."
Takuto's Father: "Ah, we were delayed at the station for an hour.".
His mother worries about his health from being in the cold for so long.
Takuto's Father: "It was unpleasant but I'm alright. Takuto, the presents!"
Takuto: "May I open it?"
Takuto's Father: "Of course."
*paper being crinkled*
Takuto: "Aa! How did you know what I wanted?"
Takuto's Father: "It's because papa is a wizard. Takuto wants and any thing you want is understood."
Takuto's father laughs.
'Passed present----In the last present from the papa and mother, it's a telescope that in those days I wanted for a long time. Of course, it was a small simple because I was a child. '
Takuto: "Thank you, father! The sky will be seen well with this"
Takuto's Father: "Ah it sees very far. Look at the night sky tonight and see if the snow will clear up tomorrow."
Takuto: "Hai!"
'Did I want these kings of things when I was small?'
'Perhaps because it was mother who waited for papa's return while looking out of the window over the garden. Therefore, I who was young wanted a magical item to see far.'
Takuto's Mother: "You'll catch a cold if you don't take off your coat."
Takuto's Father: "Ah, that's true."
Takuto's mother complains about the chicken.
'And, 'I' and papa and mother walk into the living room. When she sits on the table, the cake is taken and divided by mother. I who bubbles over. Father and mother who laughs happily. I was looking at the spectacle I was not able to return to like seeing a movie.'