Candles video - Night to Day

Takuto's new room
There's a knock at the door.
'I slip further under the blanket, disregarding the sound of the knock.'
The door finally opens. Takuto throws the sheet off. It's Alice with some clothing. She scolds him when he asks about the door opening for her. She says he should know why after last night. Takuto's stunned that she finds what happened last night normal. Alice says if he doesn't want to wear the clothing he doesn't have to...but it's impolite to walk around naked in front of a woman.
Alice opens the blinds, letting the bright sunlight enter. Takuto squints.
Alice: "You're reacting to the first degree of 'Ceremony'. Your mind is pure."
Takuto: "Ceremony? What is that..?"
Alice: "Last night is 'that'"
Takuto: "!?"
Alice: "Normal people usually die after the first time because Kou's power is too strong, man who is defiled even a little is useless. Only a man of noble mind who is not defiled can accept Kou."
***This is why all the girls Kou drank from have died.
'She was laughing. I could do nothing but ask her even if I didn't understand.'
Takuto asks her to teach him what her, Kou and the housemaid are. Alice tells Takuto she hates him. She's not an ally.
Alice: "My name is Alice. My best regards."
Alice curtseys.
Alice: "You? You have not introduced yourself. I have not heard your name though my name has already been said. "
CHOICE #11 - Introduce yourself to Alice?
1. Introduce yourself to Alice
2. Don't say anything.
Takuto introduces himself to Alice. He then asks if they are confined. They are.
'Hopeless feelings spring up from a simple affirmative.'
Alice: "This is your personal situation. Can you possibly be able to kill tonight? Can you run away? It's impossible. That barbarous friend of you also lives neatly. I think that Veronica carries meal this time."
Takuto: "Ryouta? Is Ryouta alright?"
If he wants to see Ryouta, he needs to get dressed.
Alice says that he has to wear the wrist and ankle chains. If they're not worn, unpleasant things may occur. She leaves. Listening to Alice's words, Takuto decides it's better to stay calm and not cause any trouble. He goes to take a shower.

Bite marks
He looks in the mirror and sees the bite marks.
'Not a scar, but like mark where sharp fangs were stabbed.'
Takuto (choked up): "It can't be. It was a dream..."
He refuses to believe it. After his shower, Takuto collapsed on the sofa. He's exhausted. He lies there for a long time.

Takuto's rosary
He pulls his rosary out of his coat pocket, which was in the corner of the room.
'The rosary that had been valued since I was very small. Who I got it from cannot be recalled no matter how much I think about it. I thought that I was helplessly defiled since that night I was attacked by the men in that bar, and I stopped wearing.'
Kou had put it in a bag for him.
CHOICE #12 - I returned it to the bag again, and put it away quietly in drawing out.
1. Go look for Ryouta
2. Go look for Kou.
In his new clothing, Takuto goes to look for Ryouta. He looks all day but can't find him. When the sun begins to set, he returns to his room.

Candles video - Day to night

Takuto in his new clothing and chains
Veronica knocks on his door. The meal is ready and everyone is waiting, including Kou. Takuto opens the door and they head for the dining room. The walk is too quiet so he asks about her.
Takuto: "Has Veronica-san been at Haishima's house for a long time?"
Veronica: "Yes. I have been serving Kou for a long time. [She asks to have the honorific dropped]. Takuto-sama is master's important customer. Please use my name freely."

They all gather in the dining room
When the door opens Kou is there. Takuto freezes. Ryouta, in his normal clothes, calls his name. Ryouta jumps up from his chair and greets him. Ryouta's glad he's okay. He'd been searching for him for a long time, but he couldn't find Takuto's room. He then notices Takuto's clothing. He's speechless. Last night his clothing was destroyed and today he couldn't refuse the chains on his hands and ankles.
Kou: "I gave it to him. I think that this suits Takuto."
Kou asks if he likes the clothes and Ryouta gets angry.
Kou: "Vigor is good. Though regrettably, this is a place for dining. Behave a little more elegantly."
'I was at a loss for words to Haishima's scolding. Apology. Excuse. Was I, who was expecting one of these kind of things, still foolish?'
Yes, he is. Ryouta doesn't apologize-he yells at Kou. Ryouta calls Kou a criminal.
Kou: "Criminal? Did I do anything?"
Ryouta says that confining them is a perfect crime.
Kou: "Oh, it is unfortunate. It seems you're not able to like my entertainment."
Ryouta tells him to let them go. Kou says only Ryouta will be leaving but Ryouta says they're both going. When Kou asks him why, Ryouta's at a loss for words.
Takuto remembers the words Ryouta said the night he caught him on his bed.
CHOICE #13 - Ryouta: "Even Takuto is angry and wants to get out of here!?"
1. I want to get out
2. Say nothing.
Takuto agrees. He wants to get out of this place.
'With a faint hesitation and loathing, I answered. Ryouta smiled. Ryouta is sure to be relieved to the bottom of one's heart because I agreed with him.'
Kou: "Is that so? Then, is entertaining me not worth it yet?"
'I want to disappear from this place before I hate Haishima any further, while I'm still able to restore the old memories.'
Kou: "How should I do it then? Let's change the bed sheets into silk. And decorate the room with flowers. Takuto, what scent is your favorite?"
Takuto: "Haishima-san...?"
Kou: "There would be a meal if one is requested too. There are no dishes that cannot be made by Veronica."
Takuto: "Please be quiet. Didn't you say last night, when you're killed it is possible to escape from this place."
Kou: "Last night..." Ah we met in the garden as far as that goes."
Takuto: "!?"
'Suddenly, a chill runs down my spine.'
Ryouta: "...Takuto? What happened?"
'Ryouta looks into my face.'
Kou: "It might have been interesting last night, as far as that goes."
Takuto: "Stop it!"
Ryouta: "Takuto?"
Kou: "Shall we say everything we did in that place? Do what we did there to your 'best friend' that loves you?"
Takuto (angry): "Stop it!!!!! *silence* (near tears) Stop...it.."
Kou: "Let me ask it again, Takuto, whether you want to get out of here."
'The question cannot be refused. For you. For my pride. I tried to think about something desperately, searching for other answers. However, only one answer came to me.'
Takuto: "...No."
Ryouta's eyes go wide. Kou's glad and tells him to take a seat so they can eat Veronica's meal. They don't talk during the meal, though Ryouta's agitated and Takuto has trouble swallowing his food.
Kou gets up--he has translations to do. They're allowed to stay and eat. When Kou leaves, Ryouta asks why he said he didn't want to leave the pavilion. He lies and says it was better to tell Kou what he wants to hear. Ryouta stands up.
Ryouta: "Let's search for the exit from tomorrow again."
They say good night and Ryouta leaves. Veronica enters and asks about the food. Takuto says it was fine as it was. She tells him that dinner here is at 7:00PM. He must be in his room fifteen minutes before so she can guide him to the dining room. He tells her that's not necessary but she says it is, because it's impossible for him to find it on his own. She asks if he still believes this is a normal pavilion.
Veronica: "Alice, the master, and I are between normal people."
He asks what she means by that but she doesn't tell him. Instead, she says if he needs anything to ring the bell. The sound will reach her without fail. She leaves.