Candles video - Night to Daytime
(Black screen)
??: "Veronica, this is...?"
??: "It's master's customer."
Takuto wakes to unfamiliar voices. He can't move. He remembers falling asleep in front of the main door.
??: "Apparently, by his appearance, the master's invitation isn't satisfactory..."

Alice and Veronica in the entry hall of Kou's house.
A small, cold hand smacks his cheek. He opens his eyes to see a young doll-like girl with long, blond curls (Alice). She calls him an eyesore and tells him to go back to his room...or to disappear. Ryouta is also sleeping on the ground next to him.
Takuto asks if she's a friend of Kou's and if she lives here. She laughs. He asks if she knows where Kou is, since they couldn't find him last night. The girl calls him unpleasant. If she's a friend of Kou then she knows where he is, but she won't tell him. Veronica steps in and tells them breakfast is ready. Alice says it's better than starving to death. When Takuto doesn't make any motion to go, Alice asks him again if they're going to eat. Takuto tries to wake Ryouta but he mumbles he's working the late shift tonight...then he realizes he's not at home.
Takuto tells him they didn't eat anything yesterday so they can't escape if their stomachs are empty. Ryouta asks who the girl is and Alice tells him she's not going to introduce herself to a barbarian like him. Takuto tells Ryouta to chill and Alice leaves. Veronica takes them to the dining room

Hallway - day
They talk on the way there. Takuto says that since the doors don't open and the windows won't break their only choice is to meet with Kou.

An angry Ryouta in the dinning room
The moment they smell the food, their stomachs growl. Veronica tells them when they're done to stay put. She's to escort them back to their rooms afterwards. This pisses Ryouta off.
CHOICE #9 - Ryouta asks why he's so calm.
1: He only wants to talk to Kou, then they'll leave
2: Even Takuto doesn't understand what's going on.
Takuto says he wants to talk to Kou and goes to sit down at the table. There's a ton of food on it. Takuto asks if Ryouta's gonna eat. Takuto jokes that this isn't a movie--the food's not going to be poisoned. Ryouta pouts. Ryouta asks, "but what if we die?" Takuto tells him that they'll both die then. Ryouta seems pleased that they'll both go at the same time. That creeps Takuto out. The food's delicious.
***Obviously, the thought that the tea was laced last night never crosses Takuto's mind -.-
After they start eating the talking ceases. Veronica comes back when they're done and is ready to take them to their rooms. Ryouta's flustered that they have separate rooms. Takuto asks about Kou. She says he's still sleeping but she did give him the white roses. Takuto asks if he liked them and she says that he has them decorating his bedroom right now. She mentions that he might see Kou tonight.
Veronica: "Takuto-sama's room is the same one from the other day. Do you remember the place?"
Takuto: "Somehow..."
Ryouta, pouting, leaves the dinning room without Takuto.
CHOICE #10 - Takuto heads towards the door.
1: Run after Ryouta.
2: Explore the house.
It's dangerous so Takuto runs after Ryouta. Ryouta's not in the hallway. Even though he's been all over the house, he gets lost and ends up at the entrance again, where he finds Alice. She asks why he keeps coming back here. He figures the door will open eventually and she scolds him for being stupid. Of course the door opens.
Alice: "You don't believe me?"

Alice opens the door.
So she opens the door for him. See?

The front of the house - day
He turns around to thank her but she's gone. He remembers Ryouta and goes runs back inside to find him but as soon as he does, the door shuts behind him and now it won't open, no matter how many times he beats on it. Takuto leans up against the door and collapses in frustration.

Candles video - Daytime to night

Dinning room - night time
Takuto continued to try to get the door open but it wouldn't budge, so he spent the afternoon in his room looking out at the garden. He still can't bring himself to suspect Kou.
'This powerless feeling and sense of hopelessness...'
After dinner it's time to meet Kou. Ryouta jumps up, worried and he tells him to come back soon. Takuto laughs it off, saying everything is going to be fine...but neither of them believe that.

The Foggy Garden. You can just barely see the path behind the fog.
They head to where Kou is. When the door opens, Takuto just sees dense fog that even blocks out the moon and smells the strong sent of roses. The fog starts to clear to reveal the garden. Veronica tells him to watch his step. He takes her ice cold hand and she leads him to Kou. He takes notice of the flowers blooming in the winter again, compared the flowers that he delivered, which had withered. Takuto thinks this is a dream.
Veronica: "The master is in the summer house there "

The summer house
When they arrive, Kou's waiting for him. He sends Veronica away. Takuto can't say anything, even after the clatter of her heels are gone.
'Now, who is the person standing in front of my eyes?'

Kou frowns at Takuto's behavior.
Kou's wearing his black shirt and his hair is slicked back more. Takuto can tell he's different from before. Kou asks him if he can enjoy living at the pavilion. Takuto doesn't know what to say. Kou asks about Veronica's food and tells him spend his time as he wants, even though it might get a little boring, since there's no TV or instruments. Kou keeps ignoring him and finally Takuto shouts his name. Kou stops smiling.
Takuto asks him what's going on and why they're confined.
Kou smiles again. "...Should I answer that here, right now?"
Takuto: "Yes."
Kou shoves him hard up against the pillars and the music switches from sad to mysterious.
Kou: "Then, I will teach you the reason why you're confined to this pavilion."

Kou forces Takuto into a kiss
Kou unexpectedly kisses him. Takuto tries to ask him what he's doing and Kou says he's doing just what he asked. Takuto tries to break away but can't. Kou squeezes his hand harder, threatening to break it and licks his earlobe.
'Haishima's tongue slowly slips from the bottom of his ear down to his neck.'
Kou: "If it's possible, I don't want to break you. Please, I don't fight so much. "
Takuto: "Aa...Haishima...san...let...go...ah."
'The tongue that traced my neck muscles reached my lips again.'
'Haishima and 'They' are the same thing. My mind began to understand that fact and was covered in fear and disgrace. I was confused.'
Takuto: "Ha...ya...release..."
Kou: "I won't let go. Wasn't this the answer that Takuto hoped for?"
Takuto becomes hot when he hears Kou say his name for the first time.
'Haishima's tongue moved slowly in my mouth.'
Takuto: "Aa, haa...sto...hnn...let...go..."
Kou: "It's useless."
Takuto: "Haishima-san...!"
Kou: "I like you. [The long-awaited street. Even if the desire is memorized...Even the mind is not defiled. Like pure-white mind like that night"]
Takuto: "Eh...?"
*The sound of clothing ripping*

Kou rips part of his shirt.
Takuto: "What are you doing...!!"
Kou: "Are you angry? I want you to be angrier."
Takuto: "Haishima-san!?"
Kou explains that he enjoys Takuto's beautiful face when he's angry.
'The whole body began to tremble with the anger that swelled up rapidly with the trap.'
Takuto: "!!"
Kou: "Takuto was not aware of me that night..."
Takuto: "Eh!?"
'Haishima's finger touches between my legs. Blank surprise comes across my face.'
Takuto: "Uaa!?"
Kou explains that he knew what Takuto was doing in there by himself.
'It became impossible to breath. All thoughts and speech disappeared, and my whole body was frozen like stone. '
Kou: "I know everything...Takuto."
'Haishima's finger pulls down my zipper.'
Takuto (angry): "Aa...sto-...p!!"
Takuto: "Don't...touch...!"
Kou: "How did you touch yourself so that I wasn't noticed on that night?"
A cold, long finger begins to move slowly as he speaks.
Takuto: "Sto-...! *gasp* Stop it!"
Kou: "I will try to fill your desire."
Takuto: "Aa..., aaah. Sto-...aa...Don't...don't...touch...!"
It was not able to see it grow in Haishima's hand. My eyes were averted.
Kou: Pleasure of scratch and erasing even anger and abhorrence. It is wonderful.
'He said so while fondling it, and the hand which Haishima grasped it was strengthened.'
Takuto: "Ha... ah...ku. Sto-...! *gasp* "
'Clear liquid began to twine around Haishima's hand and my thighs began to tremble, and by reflex I looked down and it saw between my legs.'
Kou: "[Takuto, does the anger a little while ago?] Cannot you resist any longer?"
Takuto: !!
Kou: "Takuto. [You have been accustomed by that man. So as not to fight against--accepts obedient and greedily. "]
Takuto: "Aa...haa... Wh-...why...hn...Why!"
Kou: "I know all of you. "
Father in law: "...Good Takuto..."
***The father in law never makes sense. This is really three to four sentences.
'It was an ominous past night that springs with pleasure and goes up. Obstinate caress repeated many, many times. Therefore, I did not refuse. Haishima, why----?'
Kou: "The 'Reunion' was able to occur with great pains."

Kou's blood red eyes
'Haishima gripped my jaw. And suddenly my face was brought close to meet his mouth again. '
'I still thought that this was a dream. Otherwise, Haishima's bright red eyes ---- should not be possible.'
Kou: "These pupils are mysterious."
'Suddenly, Haishima's light color iris changed into blood like rub. I was not able to believe it. '
Kou: "These pupils prove it...the sign of living in the realm of the dark."
'Haishima-san's bright red pupils stare at me. Beautiful bright red flames which burn in the interior of his eye.'
Kou: "Has Takuto been wondering such why he's so obedient to pleasure?"
'I was not able to move. The bright red pupil was like a charm. A man ---- he is not. A dream. This is a dream--I desperately persuaded myself.'
Kou: "It's because you have received my spell."
'Haishima's hand turned to my back. Suddenly, a cold finger traced my back.'
Takuto (painfully): "Aa....aahh!?"
'A hot dash pain runs down my backbone to my thighs.'
Kou: 'This wound...who gave it to you?'
Takuto: "Eh? Aa, haa...sto-..p...aah."
'However, I was unable to think while my back was slowly traced by his finger. The skin that was touched felt like it was on fire.'
Kou: "Everything can be remembered in this pavilion. With this, you cannot run away from me any longer."
'Haishima's lip touches my throat. '
Takuto (loud): "Aa, AAAa----!?"

Kou drinks his blood
'Something sharp dug into to my throat. Suddenly, pleasure like a current ran from the place where the skin was broken through my whole body and I hardened instinctively. '
Takuto: "Ha--...ah. Haishima...sa-...aa. Aa...sto-...sto-...hn...!!"
Kou: "Takuto..."
'Every time his tongue moves, the area around my throat gets, hot like having been burnt.'
Takuto: "Aa...Ha-...Haishima-san...!"
'Dislike, fear, shame, and pleasure. I seemed not to be able to breathe.'
Kou: "I wanted to encounter Takuto for a long time. For a long time... Thus, I wanted to embrace you in these arms. For a long time..."
Takuto: "Haishima-san...?"
'It was thought that the voice I heard became awfully sad and unclear. I tried to look up.'
Takuto (loud): "AAA...aa!"
'Haishima inclined his face further, refusing me to look. The hand that groped my lower limbs while sucking on my neck became stronger and rough.'
Takuto: "Ha--a. Haishima-san..., Haishima-san... stop...a...ku...aa! "
'Holding one of my legs, it was raise and in addition Haishima's finger slowly traces the thin skin from the root and up [into the depth]. A finger which was covered in the liquid that I released.'
Takuto: "No...! Haishima- san...a, aa, ha...don't...hnn...ku!"
Kou: Liar. Is it not good, Takuto?
Takuto: "Aaa--! St...op...let me...go!"
'The tip of a finger is held at my entrance, and the sensitive part is traced many times. It began to tremble like it was pleasing, though I thought it was mortifying.'
Kou: ["Takuto, you can be in this pavilion more. It comes to request pleasure more. From you..."]
Takuto: "!?"
'It was whispered low and sweetly, and my lower limbs trembled with the voice. It was not the gentle, calm Haishima any longer. Now there was a Haishima in front of eyes that I didn't know. [When it was cheated.] Was it the same as 'They'? Tears seemed to spill from embarrassment and anger at myself, who was not able resist any more.
Kou: "Ah you were persuaded?"
'Haishima looked up and saw my face. (I glare at Haishima). Absolutely, I did not want to show tears.
Kou: "More anger. I am hatred from the bottom of your hearts."
Takuto: "Na..?"
Kou: Even if I'm hated by you, I am not pained by it. No, the pleasantness increases. Do you not think that it is indeed interesting to abhor me, and to violate a man who dislikes it until he's screaming?
Takuto (angry): "...bastard!! (kono yarou )"
"I struck instinctively. Sadly, my hand is grabbed, and he twists it tightly.'
Takuto (angry): "Uuah!"
Kou: "I am not the sweet and gentle man whom you have seen up to now."
Takuto (angry): "Was it a lie??"
Kou: "Lie? [Isn't there will being to have cheated?] Did you not voluntarily come here?"
It disappeared-- the trust and respect.
Kou: "Though I liked you mostly because you are so pure."
Takuto: "You're joking!!"
I tried to pull away from the gripped hand but my wrist is twisted tighter. Haishima peels off the rest of my clothing. And I'm bound tightly to the pillar of the stone. Both arms are gripped again.
Takuto: "What are you doing?"
Kou: Thinking whether I will be able to crush and damage your pride. "
'One of my ankles is gripped, and the leg is opened wide.'
Takuto (angry): "Release me!"

'Haishima, however, draws his face between my legs, chuckling.'
Takuto: "Nngahh!"
Kou licks him.
Takuto: "Ah... st- stop it...ah!"
Kou: "Did I comfort you for a long time?"
Takuto: "Haa...st--aah...aa...don't...touch...that place!!"
Takuto tries hard to convince himself this is a dream.
Takuto: "A...ha...a...! Sto...stop it!...ah...kuu...!"
'This is not a reality. The gentle Haishima wouldn't do these kind of things to me. Somewhere in my mind I still prayed that is was this way.'
Kou: ["To others, Nature..know.You miserable so much"]
Takuto: "Shut up...stop it, stop...a..aah!!!"
Kou: [But did the keep away from with the person, and to say that it would not be interested in these kind of things, I might have lived as man who was squeaky clean.]
Takuto: "Shut up...that...is...aa! Sto--!"
'Cold, bony fingers traced the inside of my leg. A wet tongue licks and rises to the tip. It shakes, and my voice calls out at the state of being gripped by Haishima.'
Kou: "However, before you're relieved, I am not disappointed at you."
Takuto gasps and moans.
'Obscene sounds come from me and it leaks from Haishima's lips. I did not want to hear Haishima's voice with that liquid in this mouth.'
Kou: "I am glad you grew up according to my expectation."
Takuto: "Sto...ah...ku...ah...ha...ahh!"
Haishima's tongue twines around many times as confirmation. My waist shook intensely so that I was dragged to pleasure every time the wet tongue moved.
Kou: "This can do nothing but request pleasure as long as there is a wound marked on your back."
Takuto: "Aaa! Don't...! Ah. Sto-...sto-...hn. Kuu. Ah, AAAa...no more...!"
Takuto: "St...aa, aah, Haishima-san...! Enough, enough...ah, ahh...ha...ah!"
'It is sucked up strongly by his mouth.' Hot numbness that felt like the pain sprang up, and I opened my leg wide in response.
Kou: "Takuto. You cannot run away any longer."
*a flash of white*
Takuto: "Ah, AAaaaa!!!!!"
'It shot in Haishima's mouth. My whole body trembled, and was being dragged to aftershocks of pleasure.'
Takuto: *panting*
'I was still not able to breathe well. The area around my waist that had become numb was still hot.'
Takuto: "Hai..shima-san..."

Kou unexpectedly stands up and kisses him.
Takuto: Uunn!?
'A lukewarm liquid is fed into my mouth. It was bitter, and tasted like clear blood.'

Kou grins
Kou: "This is a taste of your crime."
Takuto: *coughing*
Kou: "Ah, there is only one method of which you are able to slip out this pavilion."
Takuto: "Eh!?"
Kou: "If I am killed. Will it be easy? The door opens if the person who rules this pavilion is killed."
Takuto: "Haishima-san...?"
Kou: "Am I to be killed or do you comfort me as you do now? [It is good though will fight if it is possible to fight against this me. It is not in case of the one that can be done with the powerless hand that cannot do even the shake and undoing me powerless."]
Haishima leaves while chuckling. This is a dream. It has to be a bad dream. This fog must disappear when I open my eyes to a bright morning ---- Certainly it will happen.
Takuto: *sob*
A hot tear ran out of the corner of my eye. I cannot move any longer. I did not want to move. The fog had not cleared up yet.