Flower shop - inside
It's Takuto's first day back at the shop and he's working hard. They've had a lot of customers today. Takuto's about to go outside to sweep when Ayako pulls out a bag that looks like it's from overseas. It's a souvenir for Takuto. Tea or jewelry...or a flower? Not sure.
The investigations for the missing girls are advancing and starting to become public.
CHOICE #2 - Ayako asks a question about the girl.
1. It remembers.
2. It is not possible to recall it.
They talk about an unusual event (about the girl) that drops the mood in the room. Takuto goes outside to sweep.
'Haishima-san...did not come.'
Takuto wonders why Kou didn't come for more flowers today. He thinks it's silly that he cares....but he does care.