~Dec. 25 - Reunion~

Florist Aya
Takuto's working late at Florist Aya. The manager's name is Ayako and she leaves Takuto alone to go take care of some things.

Takuto outside the shop
They've been busy yesterday and today because of Christmas. Takuto's sweeping and thinking about the girl who hasn't shown up in a while. He goes back to sweeping when a voice behind him asks about white roses. When he turns around, there is a man with silver hair standing there.

He sees a series of images (a staute in the snow, white roses and blood splatter on the floor) and has to kneel because of the sudden pain in his back.
??: "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Takuto: "Ah...s-sorry. I'm...alright."
Takuto uses the broom to help himself up. 'Such a hot, sharp pain like tongs of burnt iron having been pressed against his back...'

Kou smiling inside the shop
Takuto asks if the white roses are a present and they go inside the store. In his clam voice, Kou says there's no one special, just to decorate his home. Takuto regrets asking. He opens the fridge door that keeps the flowers cool and has him pick his favorite. There are two kinds: Pascali and White Masterpiece. Takuto shows one to him. They discuss the colors (cream vs white). Kou's surprised at Takuto's knowledge of flowers. Takuto prefers Pascali. When Kou asks him why, he can't really find an answer.
Kou chooses the Pascali, because Takuto recommended it. Takuto panics at this but Kou tells him he likes the flower as well. Kou seems famliar to Takuto, a memory from his childhoon. He starts to ask him if he's been to Britain but changes his mind (and scolds himself for it). Kou can't be who he's thinking of, because Kou's at least ten years older than him.
When Takuto asks him how many he wants, Kou odd reply is similar to 'everything's acquired because it's special'. Takuto just looks confused, then smiles and nods. He gets about 100 or more out and puts them in a vase.
Kou: "Is this shop always open this late?"
Takuto: "Yes, until 2am."
Kou: "Is that so? I didn't know because I just recently moved near here."
It's strange for a man to buy 100 roses in the middle of the night (90,000 yen!). From appearances, Kou clearly isn't Japanese, but European.
Takuto: "Do you like white roses?"
Kou answers with something about blood and beauty. O_O;; He pays, gently picks up the roses and leaves. Ayako comes back just then and comments on the stranger (buying Pascali for his home...kinda odd). They chat, then Takuto cleans up before he heads home.

Withered white rose petals
When he goes outside, there're white rose petals on the ground, now brown and withered. Undoubtedly, they're Pascali. Takuto's confused...did he not notice the dead leaves and forgot to pick them off? But they just arrived this morning...how are they already this withered?
Takuto picks up the petals and runs back inside to Ayako to confirm that the flowers were fresh. They were. He shows her the petals. Ayako's shocked but tries to rationalize it. Takuto doesn't completely accept it, but apologizes, puts his coat on and heads for home. He checks phone and sees that Shibamata called again. He doesn't call him back.

Takuto's room - Night
Takuto pauses inside the entryway to wonder when Ryouta comes home. Just then, Ryouta comes home. The lights were still off so he scares the shit out of Ryouta. Ryouta turns the lights on and crouches down by the heater. When Takuto mentions the guest at the shop tonight, a sharp pain runs through his back--the same from earlier at the shop.

Takuto in the shower
'I tore off my clothes violently, [and rushed into the bathroom]. I don't remember the injury or the bruise, even if I see it every day.'

The old wound on his back bleeds
Takuto turns to look at his back in the mirror. The old cut is bleeding.

Or not
But it wasn't.

Ryouta barges in
Ryouta rushes to see if he's okay and grabs his shoulder. Takuto yells and shoves Ryouta away from him. His head hits the wall. After Takuto realizes it's Ryouta, he apoligizes and then the oddness of Takuto being naked sets in. He's not sure how to react--to laugh or be angry. He cracks a joke. Ryouta makes an attempt to laugh. Since Takuto's not hurt, Ryouta leaves him be. Takuto goes back to his shower.