~Jan. 7 - Critical Point~

Diziness' old rivals: Bad Alchemy
Band practice is over. They only practice once every two weeks because it's expensive to rent the studio, and because of their class hours. They run into the band Bad Alchemy, who were their rivals before they debuted. The other band mocks them. The main guy, Shinoda, mentions a rumor he's heard...about Shibamata of the Genesis label's interest in Dizziness' keyboard player (Takuto). Ryouta yells at him. Shinoda says some bad things about Takuto.

Takuto kicks the wine boxes

A rare scene
Takuto kicks a bunch of wine boxes and coldly tells Shinoda to shut up, then says some very non-Takuto things. Frightened and embarrassed, Shinoda and the rest of the band quickly go into the studio. Ryouta asks Takuto if he's okay. No one tries to confirm if what they said about Shibamata is true....but Syusei speaks up. He's quitting the band. Syusei leaves and they decide to meet on the 20th of February. Everyone starts to leave.
CHOICE #3 - However, Takuto doesn't move.
1. Stay quiet and watch them leave.
2. Ask Ryouta to wait.
Taukasa: "Takuto? Are you coming?"
Takuto: "Go ahead. I forgot it was necessary to call about my work shift."
Taukasa: "Is that so? I'm heading to the station then."
'I waved and saw everyone off. When they disappeared, I took out my phone.'

Syusei at the bar
Takuto calls Syusei. He's going to meet up with him at ICEBERG, their favorite restaurant. When he gets there, Syusei's already drinking sake. Takuto takes out a cigarette as well. Syusei didn't know he smoked because he only does it when he's alone. Syusei got a call from Shibamata. He already knew. Takuto takes a large gulp of his drink.
Syusei: "...Takuto's face is more beautiful than woman."
***I have no idea what they're talking about but whatever it is, it was blunt and Takuto thanks him.
Takuto's thinking about how he doesn't like being seen as a sex object by everyone. He might also be a little drunk.

Kou and a young woman
From the pedestrian brige, Takuto can see Kou and a young woman in the crowd. The woman looks like a classmate from his school. Considering her clothing, it's obviously a date. Takuto pouts and laughs weakly while a tear slips from the corner of his eye.
'When I am alone...there is no one next to me. I thought so while wiping an overflowing tear.'

Takuto's bedroom
He can't sleep. He tossed and turned for over an hour.
'Syusei's word did not disappear from my head for a long time. The reason why I wasn't able to go to sleep surely had to do Haishima too. He's not doing anything wrong, therefore it's not possible to blame him. The man who truly understands me doesn't shown up any longer. I began to think about such a thing.'
*door opens and closes*
Ryouta's home. Takuto slips deeper under his blanket trying not to be noticed. Ryotua turns the light on and asks if he's already asleep. He doesn't want Ryouta to see him with his face like this. Ryouta decided he's a sleep after all.
'The voice in my head scolds me like one would a child. Ryouta was an important person whom I didn't want to lose most of all right now. '
CHOICE #4 - I did not want to make him look sad.
1. Speak with Ryouta.
2. Pretend to be asleep.
'I was scared to talk to Ryouta today.'
Takuto: (I'm sorry, Ryouta ...)
'I shut my eyes and tried to drive Ryouta out by some means. However....'
Ryouta: "...Takuto."
'Ryouta's voice was closer.'
Takuto: (...)
'I gave up and rolled up the blanket.'
Takuto: "Ryouta? Are you back?"
Ryouta (surprised): "Ah, Takuto...!"
'Gentle Ryouta. Serious Ryouta. Dazzling bright, Ryouta's like the sunflower---.'
Takuto: that that doesn't worry
'I pretended to comb my hair, and looked down. '
Ryouta says he was worried because that was the first time he'd seen Takuto angry.
'Gentleness is painful. Ryouta thought I was important and worried about me. It hurt. Ryouta might be like "them" one day---.'
Ryouta: "Nah, Takuto. Do you rely on me?"
Takuto: "Eh?"
Ryouta: "Ah, no! My big brothers...that Takuto relies on me too much."
Takuto: "...!?"
Ryouta: "For a long time I didn't notice and was worrying like the usual honor student. Thought it might be because I'm younger... After all, in comparison to the others..."
Takuto: ...Ryouta...
Ryouta: "...I really worry."
Takuto: "...I'm fine."
Ryouta: "Takuto..."
'Ryouta didn't seem to like my words. His eyebrow furrowed in a bad mood and approached slowly.'
Ryouta: "Takuto..."
Takuto: "When Ryouta's glad, so am I."
Ryouta: "Is that so...?"
Takuto: "It is."
Ryouta (angry): "Takuto...---!!"

Ryouta doesn't believe him.
'Both shoulders were tightly gripped simultaneously. The feeling of Ryouta's tight hand is transmitted through the cloth of my thin pajamas. Momentarily, fear and nausea had a lump in my throat. '
Ryouta: "[Reliance is already me for a moment.] I want to understand Takuto and I at least."
Ryouta's worried about Takuto overworking himself.
Ryouta apologizes and backs off.
'I uttered a small sigh while straightening the collar of my pajamas.'
Takuto forces a smile and tells him not to worry. After some reassurance, Ryouta smiles again.
'Thus, I tell a lie again. This is a necessary lie, however, an important lie because then no pain will come to Ryouta.'
Ryouta: "Though it might be unbelievable, I respect Takuto and therefore, I want to be useful, even if it's just a little."
Takuto smiles and nods. Ryouta heads for a shower.
'And, what do I do when Ryouta requests me like 'Them'? Do I dislike Ryouta because I despise it?'
Takuto's throat is dry so he goes to get a drink in the kitchen.