Takuto's room.
New Years Eve. There's a pop star performing on the TV. When she strips down to her skimpier clothing, Takuto reflects on how friggin' cold it is outside, and that it's going to snow. He rolls out of bed and looks around the window.
Takuto: "Ryouta..."
The sunflower sits on the windowsill. He thinks about how bright and vivid the flower is...just like Ryouta. But Ryouta's not here right now and the loneliness is really getting to him. Takuto shoves his wallet into his coat pocket and heads out.

Takuto in his white, furry coat
The town was lively. Wearing his white furry coat, Takuto heads to his usual restaurant. Someone in a black coat catches is eye. It's the man who bought the white roses.
Kou spots him, smiles and waves. They greet each other and Kou asks him why he isn't at the shop. Takuto tells him it's closed today. Takuto asks "Haishima-san" a question and Kou's amused that he remembers his name. Takuto still thinks he's seen the name before.
Kou doesn't know his way around since he just moved here and asks if Takuto knows any good restaurants.
Takuto wonders if it would be wrong to invite Kou to eat with him...though they both are alone tonight. Takuto gets the nerve to ask and when Kou's response is, "...what?" Takuto quickly defends his asking. Still Kou's only reply is, "...what?" Takuto feels like an idiot for thinking they were 'semi-friends'. Takuto, disappointed, apologizes for his rudeness. Kou smiles and accepts because he's alone right now so why not eat with someone he knows. Takuto's relieved.
***Translating his thoughts about Kou is too difficult for me but it really shows here just how attached Takuto's gotten to Kou already.

Kou inside the restaurant.
They arrive at the restaurant, which during the day has good hamburgers and is popular with the students. But at night, they dim the lights and it becomes a bar, which Takuto prefers. Kou smiles and agrees. They order their food and Kou says that he doesn't know Takuto's name, so he introduces himself. Kou calls him by his last name and Takuto tells him all his friends call him Takuto. Kou's eyes narrow for a second, then slowly says his first name. The screen zooms in and out with the sound of a heartbeat. Takuto's heart aches for a moment. Kou announces that he won't call him Takuto until he gets to know him better. So for now, it's Katsuragi-kun.
Takuto's tonic and Kou's red wine arrives. Kou asks if they should toast. Takuto's a little put off.
Kou: "It is said that a 'Reunion' should be congratulated."
Takuto: "Reunion?"
Kou never thought he would meet the flower shop employee on the street. Takuto hesitantly agrees to the toast. They toast, and Takuto can't help but notice that the wine looks like blood in the dim light.
Kou then asks if Takuto's house is nearby. It's about a thirty minute walk. Kou asks if he's a student. Takuto says something quickly about sake and age, which leads Kou to assume is birthday is soon. It is, February 16th. Kou muses that it's just after Valentine's Day. He must be popular with the ladies. Takuto's surprised and says something about chocolates. Kou then says something about love (girlfriends?) that makes Takuto say that Kou's getting too personal with his questions. Kou chuckles.
When Takuto came to Japan he didn't want to make close friends because of his father-in-law. Kou admits that he's not very good at this "love" thing either. Takuto mentions the flowers and Kou responds that he only bought them because he likes flowers.
Takuto asks about his lover but Kou "doesn't hear him". Takuto still wants to know why he really bought the flowers. Kou says that he travels a lot so it's difficult to have a relationship. Kou's gotten a little lonely with this life style. Their conversation is interrupted when the pizza arrives.
Takuto's pleased that Kou liked the food. Suddenly the door opens and people come in, shouting. They eat and when Takuto checks his watch it's already 9pm. It's getting closer to the new year and the bar is gathering people. Takuto mentions snow and Kou asks if he hates it. Takuto says something about the sunrise on New Year's day.
(black screen)
They drink some sake as they continue their meal. By eleven pm the place is packed and they leave.

Kou in the snowy street
Outside the snow is coming down. Takuto questions why he's growing fond of Kou when he pushes others away. As Kou turns to leave, Takuto calls his name. Kou turns back around but Takuto says never mind.

Looking up at the snow falling
Kou's voice: "What will you do? Will you die?"
*Heartbeat and zoom in/out effect*
Takuto's voice: "I'm different. I don't die. I go to papa and mama's place."
Takuto snaps out of it when he's startled by Kou asking him what's wrong. Takuto asks him if anything weird just happened. Kou bluntly says no.

Kou and Takuto standing in the falling snow. You can only see Takuto's breath as he breathes...
Kou: "Katsuragi-kun. Are you leaving after this?"
Kou calmly invites him to his house. Takuto thinks about how lonely he's been with Ryouta gone. Kou gives the example of waking up in the middle of the night alone. Takuto nods slightly.
Takuto: "Sumemasen."
'Thank you, I wanted to say. But only words of apology came out.'
Kou: "It's not necessary to apologize."
Kou laughed but Takuto could tell from his eyes that he was lonely. Takuto asks if he hates him for being selfish but Kou doesn't despise him. Takuto feels he doesn't have to be the fake Takuto in front of Kou.
Kou: "...Are we going to go before you become a snowman?"

Kou in his living room
Kou: "How about a drink? Coffee? Tea? [something about Takuto's sake being strong]"
Takuto asks for tea and Kou goes to make some. Takuto's tension leaves when Kou goes and takes a seat on the sofa. The European styled home was how he expected it. Kou comes back with the tea and asks if he's cold. Takuto's not because of the fireplace, which is not common in Japan like it was in Britain.
Kou sits down on the chair next to him. Takuto can taste the alcohol in his tea and when he looks up, Kou is grinning a little. He says he put a little brandy in it because he thought Takuto was cold. Takuto smiles and thanks him. His favorite tea is just like this. They both laugh.
Takuto asks if he lives alone but there are some people here that lend a hand. Takuto finds out that Kou works at night because Japan is too bright during the day for his eyes. Takuto's also a night person, hence the hours he works at the shop. He also learns that Kou translates books.
For the first time in a long time, Takuto's holding a normal conversation with someone other than Ayako, Ryouta and the band. Takuto asks him about the books. Kou tells him that he works mainly on British literature, which Takuto's also interested in. Then he remembers why Kou's name is familiar, because he's read his book Commentary on British Fantasy Literature. Kou laughs. Takuto doesn't remember much of it...but he got an A on the book report. Kou congratulates him. Takuto begins to think that meeting Kou was fate.
The clock strikes midnight. They wish each other happy near year and toast. Takuto's a little drunk now.
The snow's still falling, as it's supposed to all night. Kou asks when he has to go back to work. Not until the 6th, since the manager is traveling.
On the subject of visiting family, Kou asks why he doesn't go home to see his mother. Takuto decides to tell Kou the truth--that his parents are dead. Kou's sympathetic and asks if he's been alone since then. Takuto panics a little. Without giving his unhappy past away, he briefly describes that his father-in-law took him in after his grandmother died. And then that his father-in-law died of a heart attack.
*Heartbeat and zoom in/out effect. Music stops*
Kou doesn't believe him.
Kou: "...Takuto. Your father-in-law...really died of a sickness?"
Takuto freaks out and breaks his glass.

Flash back of his father-in-law
Takuto has a flashback of his father-in-law leaning over him...discussing God and if he was a good child. Grownup Takuto screams "stop" and the flashback ends.
(Kou in his living room)
When he snaps out of it, Kou's looking at him oddly. He asks him if he's drunk. Still wide-eyed, Takuto wonders if he had imagined that.

Kou licking Takuto's cut finger
When Takuto broke the glass it had cut him. Kou takes his wrist and licks the blood from the tips of his finger all the way down his wrist. His hands and tongue are ice cold. It's a deep cut so Kou keeps lapping it up. Takuto blushes.

Red eyes
Kou whispers Takuto's name as his eyes turn red. His hand starts to go numb but Kou won't release it. Kou says it may be embarrassing but the blood is still flowing, and rolls up his sleeve.
'The sense that I disliked most began to heat my whole body. There was nothing but pleasure now...[for to refuse to touch someone instinctively if the usual.]'
Takuto tries to yell but can't.
Kou: "Takuto? ...This me...do you refuse it?"
Takuto: "Eh...?"

Kou in his living room
Kou lets go. His eyes are back to normal.
*Heartbeat and zoom in/out effect. *
Kou asks if he's alright. His voice is back to the usual Kou. Kou tells him where the washroom is so he can clean up is wound. Staggering, Takuto walks down the hall.

The scary, candle lit hallway
Dizzy, Takuto has to use the wall for support as he walks. He's worried about how quickly he was aroused simply by Kou licking his hand.
(Black screen)
Takuto finds the bathroom and has to cling to the sink to keep from falling.

Takuto's flushed face in the mirror
'I was disappointed at the face that was reflected in the mirror. A face of desire. Wet pupils. The face that I disliked the most was there. '
Takuto thinks back to his father-in-law and how making him masturbated had been his usual method.
'I know there is only one method for escaping from this suffering. It is not possible to return any longer if touching once.'

Takuto slides his hand inside his pants and begins to rub himself.
***It pans the full CG
Takuto: "Aa...ku...ah.. father..."
'Then, I thought that desire and reacting to someone's touch was painful and I became reluctant.'
'The sticky liquid blots from the tip, and it twines around my finger. An obscene sound begins to grow in the quiet lavatory. The heat and hardness increase, and the sound grows. It's not possible to suppress it, even if my lip was bitten.'
*louder moaning*
'My legs open. Jeans fall which get twisted around my knee, and I tremble in the cold. The liquid that comes out goes along my hand further into the interior of my leg. I was not able to endure it any longer, and started stroking.'
Takuto: "Aa...kuu...w-...why..like...this..aah..."
'Haishima might worry and come if I'm taking too long. It would be absolutely unpleasant if this was seen by that person. I did not want to be seen in such a miserable state.'
Takuto: "Hai...shima..sa... ah, uukuu...ah...Aaa..."
'I rub harder. It rises and begins to tremble timidly in my hand. Pleasure like hot numbness runs through my hipbone and extends to my fingers.'
Takuto: "Ha...ah, aaah...ahh.., ku! D-...don't...hurry...ahh, ...hurry"
'There was no more hesitation. I wanted to come as soon as possible, and return to the former me. I open my legs further, grasping with my fingers strongly. My breath is short...'
Takuto: "Aah....aa, Haishima sa---aa, ku... I, ha... aahh!"
'My waist began to tremble. I shook every time my hand moved. My legs kept opening wider to pursue pleasure, and I moved my hand desperately.'
Takuto: "Hurry....quickly...aah, Haishima san...ku... aa...aahh!"
'The pleasure crawls up from the spine, stifling my throat.'
'A tense point hurts strongly. '
*flash of white*
Takuto: "Ku...uaa, Aaaaaaah!!"
'My breath was rough and ungraceful. Many white semen had scattered along my leg. Feelings of the guilt and shamefulness--I begain to weep.'
(black screen)
Takuto: "Haishima...san...."
'I thought that I had betrayed him. I who had exposed such a disgraceful behavior was miserable and mortified in the house of who might be only man I could be myself around. Haishima will come if I don't return soon.'

Kou standing outside the washroom
Takuto washes his hands in the sink then staggers outside...where Kou's waiting, worried about him. He doesn't seem like he heard anything. Takuto apologizes for taking so long. They go back.
(black screen)
'The snow did not stop falling on that night even after it became a morning. '
He stayed up talking with Kou until morning, then returned to his apartment.